Level 7
since ‎04-24-2012

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I have problems with Power4Gear Hybrid program before when I put the battery saving mode setting der cambiabaLa taskbar turn white changing desktop background was white and the video quality downNow when I enable battery saving mode, the taskbar if i...
Hi I have a problem with my G74S XT1Turns out now that every time I turn on the screen looks nice colors well but over 10 seconds the screen colors change also gets coffee, as if taking a photo with sepia effectU to restore the colors so I right-clic...
HelloJust to say a cleaning service to my G74SX,There is a post of some manual step by step how to give a cleaning service to my G74SXGreetings and thank you very muchThis message is not translated by google jajaj English
This message is translated by google to see if I understandI have a problem with my laptopIt turns out that when I shut off is not restartedThe I do to turn it off is to click Start and Shutdown and restart not shut offIf I restart hibernate as singl...
Hi good afternoonI have a problem with my laptop. The problem is that by giving off my computer restarts and it also happens when I want to hibernate, everything seems fine, I click on turn on and off but at that moment one turns backThis happens to ...