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Trouble Setting up Rhino X55 H.O.T.A.S

Level 7
Hello all.

I have a G750JH, and I've been going crazy these past couple of days trying to set up my Rhino X55 H.O.T.A.S joystick and throttle. I've been in contact with Saitek and they have told me to disable the USB 3.0 functions on my USB ports?

This is a quote from the email they sent me:

"After you uninstall try disabling the 3.0 Feature in your Bios. This will differ on different computers, therefore, I highly recommend referring to the PC or motherboard manufacturer for exact instructions. However, I have included some information below that can give you and idea, but please still refer to exact instructions with the manufacturer.

For Intel---
1. Set BIOS Setting for USB - Intel xHCI Mode to OFF
2. If you have the "Intel(R) USB 3.0 eXtensible Host Controller" installed in your O/S you must uninstall it.
3. REBOOT your Computer
For Asus---
You will need to go into the Bios and turn the 3.0 ports into 2.0 mode. I am unsure on how this process works. Please refer to the manufacturer for detail information. "

I know that the G750JH has backwards USB 2.0 Support on at least 3 of the USB port (I think the right front USB doesn't, but not sure). Not sure how the 2.0 backwards support work, I"m assuming it's automatic. Is it possible to set them to be USB 2.0 exclusively? I've checked the BIOS and see no option at all to set them as USB 2.0. I really don't want to do this at all, I like the 3.0, but want to check this option to see if that solves my problem. According to Saitek the Rhino X55 is not compatible with USB 3.0. Which REALLY SUCKS! Considering the money I payed for it! But I digress.

The problem I'm having with the X55 is that I'm unable to calibrate the sticks, or test them when I go to the sticks property settings in the control panel. The drivers or not functioning properly.

If there is anyone here that has had this problem, and found out the solution, please let me know.

Thanks for all your help.