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A2 Code Can't Get Into BIOS

Level 7
Recently my son had an accident and literally a single drop of condensation fell into my top vent and fried my PSU. Nothing else got wet at all and I promptly shut down my system. I replaced my PSU (exact same model) leaving all cables in place, checking everything for correct fitting. After replacement and a cleaning everything seems to be in working order however I now am getting an A2 Q Code. System will not let me go to BIOS and when pressing F1 to enter setup I get nothing.
Please help folks, you're my only hope!

hello hatefly

if you have display it sounds like a drive problem, would you have another drive to try to see if you can enter the bios?

I might be able too swipe another drive but I will have to steal it from another system. Would this still be the issue if the drive is listed in the screen that displays? It shows the drive connected that has my OS on it along with a few other USB drives that are connected as well.

You could try removing all drives except the one with the os installed on it. if it's still unresponsive, remove all drives including your optical drive(s).

You could try clearing the cmos too.

Yeah, tried to clear CMOS a few times already and still nothing. It should be simple enough to remove those drives as I only have 3 installed. Should I try and remove all drives first, or remove just one at a time?

Quick side Q, would it matter in what order I plugged the cables back into the new PSU? I think I have them the same but I am not exactly sure.

You could disconnect them all first and see if you are able to enter the bios, if you can, start with the one that has the os on it.

yes double check your psu cables including the pcie cables to the gpu.

I left the PCIE cables connected to the GPU and reconnected them to my PSU. I was a bit confused on how I actually had them connected though. I have a EVGA GTX 660ti and it needs two 6pin connectors. Does it matter on what 6pin slot on the PSU that I connect them? I know my Mobo Data / Power connections to the PSU are correct, I just wasn't sure if I needed specific slots for my other stuff.

yes there are specific connectors on the psu the pcie cables connect to, make sure you have them in the right ones.

If you're unsure take a look in your psu manual.

PSU manual is balls. It shows one for an 8 pin which I don't have and and only a single connection for a 6 pin which I have one in that slot. It was the other 6 pin connection I was not sure about. I ended up plugging it in the other 6 pin slot on my PSU.