Buy An ASUS GTX Graphics Card: Get Watch Dogs Free!

If you're buying a new ASUS GeForce GTX 660, 660 Ti, 760, 770, 780, 780 Ti, or Titan graphics card from today, you'll get Watch Dogs on PC for free, ready for its release in late May! For APAC buyers look for the Watch Dogs sticker on the box, while EU, Australia, New Zealand and North American buyers should ask their retailer for the game code.

Watch Dogs Game Bundle

Watch Dogs, by Ubisoft, is this one of year's most anticipated games. On PC the new Disrupt Engine offers cutting edge visual technologies like TXAA and HBAO+, and the game also supports resolutions up to 4K Surround! So PB287 buyers might want to consider three for the most immerse action.. nudge-nudge.

To see more, watch the gameplay video below!
