Master the remasters: 3 remastered titles your ROG laptop will love

Sometimes a game comes out that changes the landscape, sets new standards or innovates in a way that propels it to legendary status. Nostalgia seekers used to have to trawl eBay for original copies, dust off a 15-year-old DOS system and pray to the computing gods that they'd be able to get it to run. I still remember spending hours trying to make Terror from the Deep work on my first DOS system. It turned out that was a far less masochistic process than the game itself.

Thankfully, developers have taken note of many of these iconic titles and given them back to us with a fresh coat of pixel paint. That means us gamers can now have our cake and eat it – classic titles that don't look like a stop motion Lego animation. And, some of them, actually scrub up pretty well.

Homeworld Remastered Collection

Homeworld Remastered Collection ROG

First of all, it's worth pointing out that you get both the Homeworld games in this collection – bargain! There's still no space strategy games that quite manage to hit the full 3D movement of Homeworld with impressive (for the time) graphics and atmosphere. Now you can enjoy it again (or get confused when trying to set waypoints in three dimensions – the shift key is your friend) in full HD and UHD, with better textures, effects and sounds. The originals are even included so you can see just how big the changes are.

Bioshock: The Collection

Bioshock - The Collection ROG

If you never got the chance to explore the unsettling alt-history undersea city of Rapture the first (and second) time around, now is as good a time as ever. You can stare at the details on a Big Daddy's drill as it bears down on you, or simply admire the impressive undersea city after a much-needed graphical overhaul. There's also all three games to get your teeth into, so you'll have plenty of plasmid collecting to keep you busy. All titles now have full HD support and run at 60 frames per second. Nice.

The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim Special Edition


I used to be an adventurer like you, then I took an arrow to the knee. Now, I just play Skyrim Special Edition, because at least if I do take another arrow to the knee, it'll look pretty visually impressive. Yes, it's back. After hundreds if not thousands of mods that improved the graphical fidelity of the original (as well as adding all sorts of cool extra stuff), the most popular RPG of all time (probably) returns. You can now enjoy fully remastered effects, FOV, lighting and much more, as you wander the snowy landscapes of Skyrim once more, shouting at dragons.

Of course, to really get the most from these titles, you'll want a system that does them justice. The ROG G752VS/VM will do an exemplary job running these games like butter, so you can re-live that nostalgia in high definition.


By Simon Marshall