Guide: Overclock Non-K CPUs on ASUS ROG Z170 Motherboards!

der8auer is currently one of the best overclockers in the world. He has put together an easy-to-follow guide for those of you who want to overclock a non-K processor (K at the end of the model number denotes the unlocked multiplier variant of the CPU, Core i7 6700K for example).

"Few days ago I published a short article about overclocking non-K CPUs. The non-K OC is really easy and can be done within few minutes. Depending on the CPU you can increase the clock between 15-70 % without any problems. In this quick guide I will explain how you can OC your non-K CPU on ASUS Z170 boards."

To read the guide in full click here.

It might be a good idea to hunt down one of the following processors before they are sold out! But before running off to get one, be sure to read the guide.

Non-K CPUs for Overclock

Be sure to post some incredible overclocking results on our social media! Can't wait to see your results!

der8auer also uploaded a video:
