ROG Absolute Zero: 7 World Records and 13 Global First Places

For the ROG Absolute Zero overclocking event, six of the world's top overclockers received invitations to visit ASUS Headquarters in Taipei, Taiwan, and got the opportunity to bench with Coolice, Elmor and Shamino.  Their reputations earned them the privilege of being some of the first to test out the latest ROG Maximus VIII Series motherboards, and given the license to overclock till the beef noodles (famous Taiwanese food) ran out, but the motherboards kept taking punishment and then some.  In the end, seven new World Records and thirteen Global First Places were set!  

Absolute Zero 2015 Team  From left: Coolice, smoke, BarboneNet, dRweEz, Shamino, Dancop, der8auer, Elmor and Fredyama Absolute Zero 2015 Team

Back, left to right: coolice (Malaysia), BarboneNet (Italy), Dancop (Germany), Elmor (Sweden)

Front, left to right: Smoke (Russia), dRweEz (South Africa), Shamino (Singapore), der8auer (Germany),Fredyama (Japan)

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ROG held nothing back when creating hardware to best exploit the power from the just-released 6th Gen. Intel processors on the new Z170 platform.  With the use of LN2 (Liquid Nitrogen) and LHe (Liquid Helium - even colder than Liquid Nitrogen), the Absolute Zero overclockers had all the ingredients necessary to cook up a whole bunch of obscene record numbers.  While it is common practice to utilize LN2 for extreme overclocking due to its exceptional cooling properties, it's also not overly expensive and (relatively) easy to handle,  this time round  for the Absolute Zero event, 100 liters of liquid helium was wheeled in!  LHe can reach a temperature of -270 degrees as opposed to -196 degrees Celsius from using LN2, however, it is also much more difficult to handle.  The overclockers welcomed the challenge as it brought even more excitement and anticipation for glorious outcomes.

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Dancop and der8auer (both from Germany) broke several world records and now occupy the top two rankings in the HWBOT global rankings. 

Complicity between two german overclockers, der8auer (left) and Dancop (right) Compatriots der8auer (left) and Dancop (right).

The ROG Maximus VIII Series was used to achieved the best CPU frequency for an i5-6600K processor, with a frequency of 6.808GHz; and the highest reference clock (BCLK) with a frequency of 552.7MHz. 



You can see the action here:
