Splmann Tops Intel Memory Frequency Record At 3.3GHz

Jul 22, 2012 Written by:ROG Article

Roger (splmann) Tanner has just broken the world record for Intel memory frequency, by overclocking his Maximus V GENE with Corsair Dominator GTX 6 modules to 3,315.6 MHz effective (1657.8 x2). This beats the previous record of 3,279.4 MHz.

M5G Z77 Memory OC Confirm

The technicals:

Splmann's Core i7-3770K was set to 1.4V (unknown VCCIO/VCCSA) with a base clock of 113.03 MHz, while the Corsair Dominator DIMM was set to 'just' 1.92V. As you'd expect, everything was chilled using LN2.

M5G Z77 Memory OC