Fastest Skylake CPU Frequency 7007.85 MHz on Maximus VIII Gene and 4 World Records

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Fastest Skylake CPU Frequency on Maximus VIII Gene

Der8auer along with Dancop, both German overclockers achieved the fastest CPU frequency on a Skylake motherboard using a Maximus VIII Gene. They reached 7007.85 MHz for CPU frequency! Click here to see the submission. 


To be able to reach this frequency, they first had to go a long binning process to find this golden chip. Then, once they found the most powerful ones  - reach around 4.8 GHz on air cooling - they were able to put it on cold. -190°C later, they achieved 7007.85 MHz! Surpassing the previous score of 6998.88 MHz. 

Four World Records and One Global First Place on Maximus VIII Extreme

Dancop also worked hard to celebrate 2016, he claimed four World Records (WR) and one Global First Place (GFP)! Well done! 

SuperPi - 32M - 4min 28sec 266ms@ 6,837.42MHz (+70.94%) with Intel Core i7-6700K on Maximus VIII Extreme

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Unigine Heaven 2xGPU - 10149.28 DX11 Marks @ 6,706.33MHz (+67.66%) with Intel Core i7-6700K on Maximus VIII Extreme

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3DMark2001SE 1xGPU - 202510 marks @ 6,785MHz (+69.62%) with Intel Core i7-6700K on Maximus VIII Extreme

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3DMark05 1xGPU - 82936 marks @ 6,728.9MHz (+68.22%) with Intel Core i7-6700K on Maximus VIII Extreme

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3DMark05 2xGPU - 81333 marks @ 6,682.21MHz (+67.06%) with Intel Core i7-6700K on Maximus VIII Extreme

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Dancop_pict Dancop benching

 To learn more about der8auer,  you can watch his interview @ Overclocker in Focus produced by Overclocking-TV
