ROG OC Showdown & RealBench Challenge 2016: And the winners are...

The ROG OC Showdown Formula Series and RealBench Challenge overclocking competitions have come to an end. It's now time to announce who will be crowned champions for 2016.


Rog OC Showdown Formula Series - Overall ranking

The competition consisted of two rounds, each lasting for one month. 415 overclockers joined to compete over different stages to demonstrate who is the best under air or water cooling overclocking.

Following the addition of the bonus points for the most-viewed submission and the one that participated in all three stages for both rounds, we now have a final overall ranking to announce the top three as the ROG OC Showdown Champions.

ROG OCS_Overall Top3

With a total of 91 points, Nik, the German overclocker has been crowned ROG OC Showdown Formula Series 2016 Champion.

Ziken and Ivancupa came in second and third place with a total of 81 points and 80 points respectively.

The top threee overclockers will each receive a next-generation ROG motherboard. Furthermore they will receive an Open Bench table and a Delid-Die-Mate tool.


See the full overall ranking.

RealBench Challenge overall ranking

The RealBench Challenge composed of four challenges running for 11 days each. Each competitor had to submit scores running the RealBench benchmark with a different limitation each time. After the last round between November 25th and December 5th, we were able to give the remaining points to the overclockers with the most submissions viewed.

And the RealBench Challenge Champion for 2016 is Wizerty, an overclocker from France. He is closely followed by Menthol and Meankeys from the US.

RealBench_Challenge_Overall Top3

Each will receive the next-generation ROG motherboard!

See the full overall ranking.


ROG OC Showdown Round 2 - Results

The second round ran from October 28th to November 28th on A total of 193 overclockers joined in the second round to compete over three stages: XTU, Reference Clock and Y-Cruncher. Below are the top ten finalists: 

ROG OCS Rd2_Top10

Congratulations to Nik, Ziken and IvanCupa, who managed to overclock their way into the top three places and win the following prizes. 

ROG OCS_Round2_Prizes

Underdog Prize

For round two, we added an underdog prize awarded to the participant who has finished with the largest difference compared to the overall winner in term of performance. And the winner of the Z170I Pro Gaming is Chowl from Indonesia. 

Lucky draw winners

Each of the following participants will received an exclusive ROG overclocking t-shirt as well as goodies. 

  • Madcore
  • Ixxgunnerxx
  • AssassiArka

RealBench Challenge IV - Results

The last Challenge ran from November 25th to December 5th. Overclockers had two weekends to submit their best score on RealBench HWBOT Edition. Below are the top ten overclockers in the rankings: 

RealBench Challenge IV - Top10

Congratulations to Fugger for taking first place and winning the ROG Claymore Keyboard and ROG Sheath

Lucky draws winners

Each of the following participants will received an exclusive ROG overclocking t-shirt as well as goodies. 

  • Simi37
  • Digg_de