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8 out of 10
The Keris Wireless is the perfect 'middle ground' for casual and enthusiast gamers alike.
SINGAPORE 08/03/2021MehrEinfold
9.1 out of 10
The ROG KERIS WIRELESS is a lightweight, featured packed wireless gaming mouse with 3 modes of connectivity and really fun using it for gaming needs and we always need RGB lightning to pair with our gaming PC.
SINGAPORE 03/01/2021Mehrhardware-helden.de
Hardware-Helden Gold Award
In addition to a high-quality build and a precise PixArt optical sensor, the wireless mouse scores with a low weight, durable PBT main mouse buttons, replaceable switches and replaceable thumb buttons. With over 50 hours including illumination and almost 80 hours without illumination, the mouse easily lasts several gaming sessions in wireless mode and works absolutely lag-free.
GERMANY 08/17/2022Mehrpcgameshardware.de
Price/Performance Recommendation
Without cables, with little weight and many accessories
GERMANY 11/22/2021Mehrgamezoom.net
Performance & Technology
Convincing wireless gaming mouse!
GERMANY 08/17/2021Mehrallround-pc.com
a lush overall package for demanding players
GERMANY 03/11/2021Mehrallround-pc.com
The ASUS ROG Keris Wireless represents a successful compromise between super-light design and functionality for more demanding gamers
GERMANY 03/11/2021Mehrtechpowerup.com
TechPowerUp Editor's Choice
Over the past year, ASUS mice have come a long way. Every time I reviewed a new release from ASUS, I was pleased to see that something had been improved over the previous one. With the ASUS ROG Keris Wireless, this process comes to its culmination
GERMANY 03/08/2021Mehr
Video Reviews
Video review at channel Kntent
Clearly the best esport gaming mouse I have ever tested so far !
第一次是不是都特别害羞😳啊?丹丹第一次拍摄🎬的开箱视频就是全套ROG的Gaming Gear!你们在用着怎样的Gaming Gear呢?留言告诉我哟❤
Looking to spend some cash? January presents 4 new products in under 4 minutes - see, nice, BUY!
Need somewhere to spend your duit raya? Laphel presents 4 new products in under 4 minutes - see, nice, BUY! ;)
处女秀开箱!一起来开箱看看 ASUS Republic of Gamers 最新的无线外设! Mousepad:ROG Scabbard II Mouse:ROG Keris Wireless Keyboard:ROG Falchion Headset:ROG Strix Go 2.4 Keycap:ROG PBT Doubleshoot Keycap Set
我第一次把油倒在mousepad上,有点怕怕哈哈哈哈哈 虽然这期影片有点长,但是资讯满满哦!
華碩新款 ROG Keris Wireless 電競滑鼠,79克的超輕重量、中小型尺寸、鼠尾短、鼠背不高的設計,適合著指抓、指握的握鼠方式,偏向FPS遊戲的控鼠風格,讓玩家能快速移動與精準操控!而且是首款採用 ROG 微動開關的電競滑鼠,值得玩家一試!
A wireless gaming mouse that should definitely go viral / ASUS ROG Keris Wireless (Gaming Mouse Review)
ROG KERIS Wireless Review
Mouse Gaming Wireless RGB Terbaik Saat ini - Review ROG Keris Wireless
ROG Keris Wireless Aimpoint - Perfect upgrade! | Gearvn
Review Gaming Gear and Monitor for monster hunter rise
Review the new ROG Gaming Gear
Review Gaming Keyboard with ROG NX Switch and Gaming Gear Set
Review The new ROG Gaming Gear wireless Set
The new Gaming Mouse Lightweigh 79 gram with ROG switches 70-million-click lifespan 16,000 dpi Wireless mode up to 56 hours 1 charging
Review the new ROG Gaming Gear
The best mouse i've ever tried!
I fell in love with this mouse!
The TUF AX5400 is a router specifically for gaming. Not only is its design very nice and in line with its target audience, but it is a wifi 6 compatible router that leverages the mesh system. Note of merit, which makes it the perfect device for gaming sessions, is the presence of the LAN port.
If you want a mouse to do all my work, this mouse is for you. In other words; "One mouse to rule them all"
Yes, friends, PBT material is a much more durable material than its double coated half. This is a very important thing for those who are considering long use and want to make a long term investment.
You will be very surprised when you see the unique switches used especially in new player equipments.
If you ask if you would take these equipments to your home and use them, yes, I would take these models home and use them.
Reear development in Rog Gladius III WIRELESS AIMPOINT games
When you take it in your hand that’s it, that drop perfectly follows the natural position of your hand.
Medien Reviews
(21)[Usage] Both lightness and ease of holding! Cospa's strongest wireless gaming mouse ASUS "ROG Keris Wireless" review!
funglr Games
JAPAN 03/14/2021MehrThe ROG Keris Wireless is a robust and lightweight device.
ESTONIA 04/21/2021MehrThe Keris Wireless represents a very good value on the wireless gaming mouse market.
FRANCE 04/03/2022Mehr...moreover, it is a matt finished and compact mouse, ideal for a claw grip or fingertip grip.
NETHERLANDS 05/22/2021MehrASUS這隻ROG Keris Wireless造型設計相當不錯,平凡不浮誇的外表,適合低調的玩家們,透過更換側鍵與RGB燈效也能打造出獨特的風格。
TAIWAN 04/15/2021MehrROG Keris Wireless 畢竟是 FPS 取向,對於精確度與反應快速是有一定的要求,整體尺寸個人覺得是不大,大概與標準滑鼠差不多,也基於如此,似乎不太需要過多的適應時間就能駕輕就熟,僅79g是相當輕盈,操控輕巧,若慣於抓握移動是很方便的,還有 PBT 材質觸感是相當不錯,且左右鍵是無間隙設計,按鍵與微動之間是沒有距離,按壓反饋更為直接。
TAIWAN 01/10/2021Mehr若喜愛射擊向輕量滑鼠,或者想換換非 Omron 微動的電競滑鼠,這把 ROG 微動開關值得一試,也期待之後 ROG 滑鼠陸續更換手感更佳的 ROG 微動開關。
TAIWAN 01/13/2021Mehr筆者本身因為主要仍以文書工作為主而偏好標準的中型尺寸滑鼠,不過尺寸偏小的 ROG Keris Wireless 操作的手感卻令筆者感到意外,雖是夾式握持卻不會有此類滑鼠在較長使間操作的疲勞感,而輕盈的 79 克重量與有線的 ASUS ROG STRIX IMPACT II 無異,但又沒有線材的束縛,對於偏好輕量基本型滑鼠的玩家是值得推薦的一款無線電競滑鼠。
TAIWAN 01/22/2021Mehr
Keris 無線電競滑鼠 79g 的重量算是適中,雖然從 90g 以上滑鼠轉過來時會有非常明顯的感受,但不至於輕到影響原先的肌肉反應,也就是說,除了熱愛打 Game 的遊戲玩家能夠容易上手習慣外,輕量級的滑鼠在一般日常使用下也能省力許多,且 Keris 提供藍牙配對的服務,在使用上也增加了更多的彈性,一鼠多用搭配本身三位一體的操作體驗,非常適合推薦給想用「一鼠走天下」的玩家。
ASUS ROG Keris Wireless review. A near perfect wireless mouse if you can tolerate the shape
ASUS ROG Keris Wireless Review] A lightweight mouse that's easy to grab! An amazing fit derived from experimentation.
Gadget Beam
Here's a "lightweight wireless" gaming mouse from ASUS! ROG Keris Wireless review
Mynavi news
ROG Keris Wireless review: a gaming mouse designed to win at FPS
A small wireless mouse that feels good in the hand and is easy to handle.
Lightly on the palm of the hand like Rog Keris Wireless Aimpoint - a neat gaming mouse, diverse connection for you to freely battle FPS game
GearVN YouTube Channel
ROG Keris Wireless is highly recommended and one of the best wireless mice for price too. Scabbard II is a perfect partner of Keris.
Asus ROG Keris Wireless is a highly successful gaming mouse with its features. While 16k DPI, 400 IPS acceleration and wireless usability are important, RGB lighting with its light structure also has additional advantages.
Chip Online
If you ask if you would take these equipments to your home and use them, yes, I would take these models home and use them.
ASUS ROG Keris and Keris Wireless turned out to be successful mice with an interesting set of features. Although we have already seen the change of switches and other customization. The shape of the body is comfortable, although not for the average hand. If the palms are large, mice are more suitable for the role of portable models for laptops. Especially the wireless version.
Reflex-compatible mouse is a gaming manipulator that supports NVIDIA Reflex technology, which allows you to determine the mouse delay in the total system delay. Currently, the list is limited and does not include the entire model range - for example, the widest model range presented at ASUS is ROG Keris (wired and wireless versions), ROG Gladius III (wired and wireless versions), ROG Chakram Core and ROG Spatha X.