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Worth Buying
The ASUS ROG Gladius II Core mouse looks understated and chic, while it is also a solid gaming performer.
UNITED KINGDOM 10/18/2020VíceDigit
Digit Best Buy 2019
The ROG Gladius II Core uses the PAW3327 sensor that we didn’t see with any of the other mice. If the submarine switches in your gaming mouse conks off, then you can simply slide them out and replace them. Aside from the Gladius II Core being the most economical of the lot, this one feature just makes it all the more consumer-friendly than most other gaming mice on the market. It’s no surprise that this becomes our Best Buy.
INDIA 12/07/2019VícePchocasi.com.tr
Excellent Performance
Türkiye 03/01/2020VíceHARDWARE PLUS
Although we cannot say it is very cheap, we think that it is a complete price-performance product because it offers enough features compared to its price. Gladius II Core is a complete ergonomic mouse with grip comfort and is one of our recommendations.
Türkiye 12/25/2019VíceTechGuru
Just like the way Asus names it, the word "Core" on the "youngest" version of Gladius II is aimed at emphasizing performance quality rather than other colorful features.
VIETNAM 07/14/2019Více
Video recenze
Unboxing a porovnání Asus TUF Gaming M3 Gen. II a ROG Gladius II Core | Herní myši do tisícovky
TOP 5 Gaming Mouse
Recenze v médiích
(1)ROG Gladius II Core od Asusu je drátová myš s dvoumetrovým opleteným kabelem a nastavitelným RGB podsvícením v kolečku a logu výrobce. Asus vsadil na optický senzor PAW3327 s citlivostí 200 až 6200 dpi, rychlostí 220 ips, zrychlením 30G a 1000Hz polling rate. Co do přesnosti by měla uspokojit i lehce náročnější hráče.
CZECH REPUBLIC 12/17/2024Více