Level 7
since ‎03-09-2013

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  • 12 Posts
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Ok so the board was working good for a few days and then today it started having problems. The most concerning is that the system will shut down without warning (no bsod or error messages, event viewer is useless). This is all at stock optimal settin...
Am I doing something wrong here? I set it to XMP and then change the BCLK and then save. In the bios it shows the change but as soon as I hit Windows, its back at 100 BCLK rather than what I set it at. I also have BCLK protection turned off. Is my mo...
Hi everyone,I just recently got back into desktops after several years and chose Asus as the brand since i'd been using Asus boards prior to that for years. Well to cut to the chase, everything works fine more or less except the front panel USB on my...