Level 7
since ‎11-25-2014

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  • 70 Posts
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Hi,I've just updated the G751JT from 207 to 209 and yesterday to 210. Today I had to use a lan cable for fast transfer. I was shocked,because there was no more lan-interface. I has just dissapeared. The same with win8.1 and also with ubuntu - mate. I...
Hi there,I get serveral errors since upgrading Bios from 207 to 209. ACPI Error ID 15.I didn't encounter any problems and the rest of the message, sais, : The embedded controller (EC) has data returned when no data has been requested. Perhaps the BIO...
Hi there,I was quiet happy with the G751-JT until I switched one option in the bios. It didn't boot any more and stopped with ASUS Rog Logo. As this pretty peace of design is not designed to be opened by the customer, I gave it back to the seller. I ...
brought back this little peace of ****