Level 8
since ‎07-17-2015

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I just ordered the Sager\Clevo dual 300W power bricks with the Sager\Clevo converter box that links the two together. I'll just have to open up the converter and change the adapter to fit the Asus G20 and I'll end up with 600W & most importantly 30 a...
If you remove the side panel on your G20 there is a plate screen with on screw. Remove the screen for better GPU airflow.
Just wanted to let anyone who was interested know that the GTX 980 TI works in the G20 like a charm with the Dell/Alienware 330W PSU (replacing the Asus 230W) I just played GTA5 for four hours straight with the GTX 980 TI OC'd to 1100Mhz Core and it ...
Would anyone be interested in my GTX 960 and 230W ASUS power supply? They both have less than two days use.
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