Level 7
since ‎12-20-2015

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Just wondering if this is a good overclock for my ram. Originally it's a 3600MHZ kit. Managed to OC to 4266MHZ.
Hi All, So i have finished manually overclocking and i know the vcore I need for max stability (3.75v). I set the voltage to adaptive, my additional turbo mode cpu vcore is set to 3.75V. LLC is set to 5. Now my vcore under load stays within safe limi...
Hey all,I thought my best option was to reach out on here to get some help, either from the community here or ASUS member of staff.I bought my first high-end graphics card last year roughly September. It was a 980ti Matrix platinum at the time costi...
I bought on around September, and developed a fault a month ago, where it would switch off under load. Sent to Asus the sent it back "repaired". Still had issues under SLI, vender ended up refunding me. Just been out to buy another one and I have 2 ...
Can anyone recommend any settings to alter to get the 5000MHZ figure. I can managed 4960MHZ @1.44V And 1.42V After a few more tweaking...5GHZTried installing 3dmark at 1.42V crashed, so upped to 1.44V