Level 7
since ‎08-24-2016

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  • 17 Posts
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Hi all,So here is my current problem.Until yesterday, my 6800k on a rampage V edition 10 was still doing good with a stable 4.1Mhz overclock.Then a windows message appeared and i had to update because the older version (1803) was gonna go.So i did an...
Hi alli come before you with a particullary hard problem. has i meantioned in the tittle i'm having internet conection problems. it's like the card shuts off for 1 seconds and comes back. this stays like this for 3/4 times and it's all ok.i've done s...
hi allhas i mentioned in the title my boot time is too slow around 2.5 minutes. i just bought new components mb asus x99 rampage V 10th editionproc: intel core i7 6800Kssd samsung 950 pro m.232 Gb ram corsair dominator i've upgraded the bios to the ...
hi to all of the ROG family.So i just upgraded my pc to all new parts.. so far happy has hell but some asus rog programs on installation i got this error " not comptable with our version"so i end up by updating my win 10 to the new win 10 "10th ann"...