Level 7
since ‎12-21-2017

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Seems that ASUS refuses to respond for the massive security and handlers leak on the Asus software suite.I have the proof that ASUS software causes extreme and dangerous security issues and all data and credentials of users are under a concrete risk ...
Hi, As subject of this thread...your AURA lIGHTING CONTROL 1.06.17 - 1.06.29 have MASSIVE Handlers leak on Win10 1803 on platform x399 zenith extreme and 1950xThis "never completed" piece of crap softfailware... reduces a mainboard of 650$ in a compl...
Everything ASUS SUITE SOFTWARE DOSEN'T WORK ANYMORE after Microsoft Windows 10 Patch ( kb4056892 )Aura "even the new version" don't work ai suite 3 2.x.x don't startDi5 don't startRamcache 3 don't startAsus Sonic studio don't startasus keybot don't s...
( to community MODERATORS ) < PLEASE CHANGE THE THREAD TITLE IN : CORSAIR LINK 4 CAN CAUSE AI SUITE3/FAN EXPERT 4 INCOMPATIBILITY ISSUES . > AND IF POSSIBLE STICKY IT!UPDATE:Seems confirmed that the problem is the Corsair Link 4 software services( Co...
Hi all :).The following screenshot prove that TRripper 1950x can run stable @ 4.2 GHZ with 3600Mhz ram speed.This config/settings successfull pass AIDA64 Stress test and Prime95 test.Can someone tell me if this is normal or ( most probably) a bios bu...