Level 7
since ‎11-13-2012

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  • 20 Posts
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I'm inlove with my old G74sx keyboard, the feel, the size, everything. it's so good... i recently went desktop... and every keyboard i try is disgusting . Tell me how i canget a similar desktop keyboard as the asus g74sx keyboard.
Ok so, i know nothing about overclocking, and i have read the guides but still confused.I have an Asus 750Ti 2GB Graphics card. I want to push the card to the max without hurting stability. No cooling besides what comes with the case , i have a therm...
Ok so, i'm feeling my laptop could use a little more speed, so i want to get an SSD , i have an asus g74sx.Ok so question is, is there anyway of transferring my C: ( Windows drive ) to the new SSD Drive without formatting my laptop?Do i have to take ...
The known issue, sporadic behavior, unresponsiveness, the touchpad thinking you have 2 fingers on rendering it not to move.I've tried everything, only thing i've not tried is to remove the thing under the touchpad . Btw its a sentalic touchpad.If the...
Hi , so i have a g74sx , the touchpad gives me problems, ive tried all versions, same issue . at times the mousepad becomes extremely unsensitive, that if i press really hard it could work , but even sometimes it doesn't work , it's out of warranty, ...