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Can someone back me up?

Level 7

After waiting for one month for my issue being resolved, the technical support said:

Dear Mark,

Thank you for contacting Asus support

If a dedicated GPU is installed, the iGPU is disabled

So if it is installed, the 1030 would have to be used to display

Currently no method to change this

Kind regards,
Peter S.
Asus Customer Service
Asus Technical Support Site:

I have an issue where forcing the iGPU as default and having an external graphic card causes the computer to halts.

In the bios -> System Agent Configuration -> Primary display, you can choose [CPU Graphics] Force the primary display to be from the CPU Graphic.

Am I correct to think that it means you can have the iGPU as default and another graphic card as secondary card and that the support is wrong?


Level 10
If in BIOS you select the dedicated card as primary, everything works normally?
Anyways, way too little information to go by.
Motherboard model? CPU?
When does it halt? How does it halt? BSOD?
Normally, you can use the integrated one as primary in BIOS and have a dedicated card also on most motherboards.

Deepcuts wrote:
If in BIOS you select the dedicated card as primary, everything works normally?
Anyways, way too little information to go by.
Motherboard model? CPU?
When does it halt? How does it halt? BSOD?
Normally, you can use the integrated one as primary in BIOS and have a dedicated card also on most motherboards.

Thank you very much, but that is not the point, I want to know if what the support said is true.

And if it true, what is the point of having in the BIOS -> System Agent Configuration, the three options [AUTO], [CPU Graphics] and [PCIE]?

The motherboard is Asus maximus vii impact, cpu -> i7-5775C, graphic card ASUS GT 1030.

If you have the GT 1030 inserted in the slot, just trying to change the bios to [CPU Graphics] causes the computer to halts, stops after few seconds.

If I do not insert the GT 1030, change the bios, then insert the GT 1030 and try to boot, the computer halts, stops as well (no BSOD)


Level 10
Without GT 1030 plugged in, computer works?

Deepcuts wrote:
Without GT 1030 plugged in, computer works?

Yes, it does. It works even when primary display is set to [AUTO] or [PCIE].

Level 10
I know I did it at least once: did you plug in all the required PCIe power cables into GT 1030 (if any)?
If above is yes or no extra power required, I would try with another PCIe card, just to rule out a defective GT 1030. (call a friend and give him/her a coffee if you don't have an extra card) given that your motherboard has only one PCIe slot.

Deepcuts wrote:
I know I did it at least once: did you plug in all the required PCIe power cables into GT 1030 (if any)?
If above is yes or no extra power required, I would try with another PCIe card, just to rule out a defective GT 1030. (call a friend and give him/her a coffee if you don't have an extra card) given that your motherboard has only one PCIe slot.

Well, yet again, I need to know if the ASUS useless technical support is right or not.

Is that option in the BIOS for having iGPU as default and another graphic card as secondary card or not?

Or are those options just for the motherboad to show off?


Level 10
It seems like you are more keen to prove a point than to get to the bottom of your issue.
I R out.

Deepcuts wrote:
It seems like you are more keen to prove a point than to get to the bottom of your issue.
I R out.

Dear Deepcuts,

No, the issue can only be solved with a bios update, there is nothing that anyone can do, because it just a bios issue.

My query was about to prove that the support is wrong, not how to solve an unsolvable issue.