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[GL702VM] Charger (Model ADP-180MB F) end cable "Broken"

Level 7
Hey there,
The cable connecting the AC/DC adapter of my charger to the laptop has sort of "popped off" on the adapter's end.
None of the internal wiring seems to be damaged or frayed, and the charger still works perfectly fine. My only concern is that the wiring may get damaged if I move it around or the cable bends too much.

How should I fix this? just superglue the end back on?

Any help would be appreciated.

Level 7

Asus should replace. I'm not the brightest tool in the shed, but if it were me I'd. Small amount super glue keep off internal wires just attach boot to charger. Then hardware store or automotive find two part epoxy or fiberglass, glue from charger to approximately 1/3rd way down boot let completely harden. Put a little sandpaper to the smooth finish on the charger before epoxying.

tap002 wrote:
Asus should replace. I'm not the brightest tool in the shed, but if it were me I'd. Small amount super glue keep off internal wires just attach boot to charger. Then hardware store or automotive find two part epoxy or fiberglass, glue from charger to approximately 1/3rd way down boot let completely harden. Put a little sandpaper to the smooth finish on the charger before epoxying.

Thanks, I think I read this too late, because I'm going on a trip soon.
I'll try to ask Asus to replace after I come back, but in the meantime I'm just going to use a hot glue gun as a stopgap measure.
maybe when I come back I'll tear out the hot glue and try your method also.

By the way, which part is the "boot" and which part is the "charger"? I'm not familiar with charger anatomy.

Thanks for the help!

I don't know if it's proper terminology, but I'm calling the boot the flanged piece. The cable is thinner going into the thicker boot that actually attaches to the charger (charger is the brick). I'm assuming it's rubber or flexible and not solid. My thought process was to use a epoxy to create a solid not flexible attachment to charger, thus creating a new stress point, bending point, have that initial bent take place within the thicker boot not the thinner cable. Hot glue isn't a bad idea and if it's holding and not bending back and forth to much, leave well enough alone.

Level 7
Just an update, I'm back from my trip and had the time to fix it just now. I'll explain what I did to anyone else that might be curious.
I cut out the hot glue, and used epoxy instead of superglue (didn't have any) to bond the boot to the charger (1).

after it set, I followed your advice and I used sandpaper to rough up the charger, and used epoxy on top of the bonded boot/strain relief and the charger (2). Also, since the jacket of the cable seemed to be popping out of the boot, I also applied epoxy to that area as well (3).


Hopefully this is a more permanent solution to the problem, I'll come back if there are any more problems.

Thanks, tap002! 🙂