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Disable GPU power led

Level 8
So yesterday I received the last part of my new system, a 2080 strix OC.
But I noticed you cant turn off the 2 white leds at the power connectors?
They simply seem to be lit up all the time to confirm the power is there. I rather have it the other around, lit up when something is wrong.
This is quite irritating.

I checked the card for a hidden button somewhere and i checked the latest version of Aura but I could not find anything to disable it.

Am I missing something ? I know several other people who also have the same issue, having unwanted white lights.

Is a option to disable them ever going to come?

Level 14
I do not believe there is any way to turn these off, cover then with electrical tape or paint if it bothers you that much

I honestly don't feel like having to deal with the tape as it would leave behind a sticky mess if you were to ever take it off again.
Nor do I feel like dealing with paint.
Not really an acceptable solution anyways if you ask me.

There just has to be some way to kill these damn lights. I mean whose genius idea is this ?
"hey i know, lets install some bright white lights that bother tons of people as you cant turn them off"

Xeretrax wrote:
"hey i know, lets install some bright white lights that bother tons of people as you cant turn them off"

The thing these days is ., you get lights like it or not. Some mfgs offer software that will turn them off but you'd have to run it full time. I use EVGA gpus because it doesn't void the warranty to unplug them as long as no damage is done to the card.

Heini wrote:
The thing these days is ., you get lights like it or not. Some mfgs offer software that will turn them off but you'd have to run it full time. I use EVGA gpus because it doesn't void the warranty to unplug them as long as no damage is done to the card.

Yeah, however these are not those kind of lights. These are debug led lights soldered onto the pcb. They provide a visual status that the card is properly plugged in and adequately powered.

That said, it would be nice to have them as an option. But I'm also quite sure that there has been many unneeded RMAs avoided since they added the leds.

mdzcpa wrote:
Yeah, however these are not those kind of lights. These are debug led lights soldered onto the pcb. They provide a visual status that the card is properly plugged in and adequately powered.

That said, it would be nice to have them as an option. But I'm also quite sure that there has been many unneeded RMAs avoided since they added the leds.

Exactly ... If I would have known about these lights before buying a card, I might not have bought this card. And I know of other people who feel the same way.

I would support this. Even my ASUS mother board has a bios option to turn off non-RGB LEDs; the Q-LED can be turned off after boot and the onboard HDD light can be disabled. Having an option to turn these LED off after somepoint would be nice. They are quite bright with the system turned off. Less annoying when the system RGB is running but, still noticable.

Level 13
Those two white lights are to let you know 5V standby is present. Theres no turning them off, there is no unplugging them. They are soldered leds. This has been present for awhile, I had the same white lights on last generations 1080Ti's too. Only way I coulde suggest is to cover them with tape or something like liquid electrical tape.

They dont bother me in the least with the light show Ive got going on.

“Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity, I'm not sure about the former” ~ Albert Einstein