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9900k oc at 5ghz stable but never reaches more then 4.6 ?

Level 10
No idea why the cpu never went more then 4.6 , i did many different test , last one being a re-encode of a blue ray , cpu maxed at 100% for 15 minutes never went over 4.6?.. i have an offset on adaptive voltage of 1.3v ...
wonder if it's that avx instruction core ratio negative offset causing this.


Level 40
I just saw in another thread that Windows power plan can be set at some value less than 100% for "maximum processor speed"...might be worth checking...

Arne Saknussemm wrote:
I just saw in another thread that Windows power plan can be set at some value less than 100% for "maximum processor speed"...might be worth checking...

yeah mine was set to 100%

If encoding a blu ray utilizes avx, it could be that. Of your offset for avx equals 4.6 that would explain it. To rule it out, try using aida64 or something similar without using avx function and see if it maxes at set OC. Just trying to cover all bases. You may have done this already.

Level 10
yeah that was the problem , the AVX , just tested it stable now at 5ghz re encoding .
