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Instead of fixing FX504GM, they now released FX505 with no thermal throttle

Level 7
I'd seen to many problems with FX504GM as well as FX504 thermal throttling issues. I along with other users are still facing this hard freeze problem which after so much isolation and trial and error plus all the efforts I'd made, narrowed it down to ASUS being at fault. But instead of releasing a fix, they asked us to send it to the service centre to burn out the warranty period. And now they released FX505? Which serves to be a new fix for FX504? Which we have to buy it to fix it? What about caring for those FX504 users? Thank you ASUS for selling us a faulty product and do not want to do anything with it afterwards to fix the myriads of problem occurred.


Level 7
I Really understand the pain. I have been facing this issue on my FX504GD for 3 months. After doing several attempts, reinstalling drivers, undervolting etc. Somehow it worked fine today. It works perfectly now. Gives me a huge boost in FPS in every game (aabout 25+). Can you give me the screenshot of Power Options- High Performance(Change plan settings)- Advance power settings- processor power management - Expand both Minimum power and maximum power state and upload the screenshot. I may help you get your boi back

Level 7
Frankly speaking the stuttering was very minor and barely affects me during game play. Only the hard freeze problem that's happening randomly every now and then and there's 3 users of FX504GM on this forums that inbox me and is also facing this hard freeze issue. Plus another review of FX504GM on amazon that's also complaining about the freezing and one more on reddit and he told me he's still facing this hard freeze problem now. By the way I'd tried with changing the power options but that did not work. High performance settings (plugged-in: HDD set to never sleep, Link state power management off, Intel(R) graphic settings on max performance, Min processor state: 5% (tried 90% and 100% but still freeze), Max processor state: 100% (tried 80%, 85%, 90%, 95%, 99% but still freeze).

Do you face the same hard freezing issue on your FX504GD? And did you solve it by using software to undervolt it? Because according to this thread apparently it does not work?

I'm not entirely sure though, but If you're facing hard freeze problem with your FX504GD and solved it completely by undervolting it, I'm willing to give it a try as ASUS until this date still wants me to send it to repair even though I did it 4 times for them already. I will not do it until my 2 year warranty ends......As for why they could not diagnose it on their side, is something i Do not understand at all. Use the same model and do as I did to trigger the freeze and analyze? Instead they want me to send it in again to "analyze??" a hard freeze to locate the problem.

Hello. One question about FX 504. Does removing back panel void warranty?