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VG278Q - No Deep Sleep Option ? but Deep Sleep problem

Level 7

Just bought a brand new ASUS VG278Q to replace my BenQ XL2720Z (I had a black screen problem in specific situation due to firmware version, I decided to just to replace the screen with a similar one).

Important note: I have a secondary screen (BenQ - HDMI)

The problem: When Adaptative Sync/FreeSync is ON (activated) it seem that also the "Deep Sleep" option is ON.
When I activate the Screen Sleep in windows (for 1 minute or 10 minutes it doesn’t matters) the secondary screen recover faster than the VG278Q, then the VG278Q recover.
The result: all my windows previously placed on my second screen are moved to my main Monitor.

The possible solution:

I read a lot on this and I also had this exact same issue with the PG279Q (A friend provide me the screen for a couple of days of testing). The solution was to deactivate the Deep Sleep option.

The real problem : the VG278Q doesn’t have any Deep Sleep option in the menu BUT I discover that when Adaptative Sync/FreeSync is OFF the problem disappeared too.

Is that normal? Is it possible to reactivated the Adaptative Sync/FreeSync without reactivating the Deep Sleep?

Thank you, have a good day !

Nevr0se ! 😄

Level 7
No help ?

Nobody on this ? no admin or modo ?

I am having the same issu with my Vg278Q on a dual monitor setup, Freesync on make Deep sleeping monitor and disconect reconect at each time. I would like to use Freesync but for the moment just leave it off becauze it's messing my desktop each time. New driver diden't work for fixing this. How to fix this ?

I just purchased 3 TUF VG27AQ monitors and they have a similar issue*.
Essentially if i hook up 3 monitors through display port (2560x1440 @144hz) then i let the monitors go to sleep, when they wake windows essentially thinks they were disconnected and re-connected. Everywhere online says to disable deep sleep. What this theoretically does is it does not pull the "Hot plug display" line low.

How do i disable deep sleep on the VG27AQ?


Edit: added more details.

I am having exact same issue... It really makes the experience of dual monitor crap. Can we get solution on this please?

I am going from hours to days looking for a solution to this problem. It would be nice to hear from Asus to have them acknowledge this is a feature they forgot to add on a fair number of their monitors so I can stop searching the internet for a solution.

I'm currently looking at a possible hardware solution where you tie the "hot plug display" pin high through means of an external power supply but have not set up the hardware yet to test it out.

i wont buy any products from Asus , even if its less price

Level 7
Nevr0se wrote:

Is that normal? Is it possible to reactivated the Adaptative Sync/FreeSync without reactivating the Deep Sleep?

I have a VG248QG with similar issues and wondering this as well. There is no option to disable deep sleep. Currently I am using the DisplayPort cable that came with it.

Thank you