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Asus 2080 Turbo stuck at 300mhz clock speed after GPU tweak OC.

Level 7
Card ran great for about 24 hours, recently I restarted my PC after running the OC scanner tool on GPU Tweak II and it seems my clock is stuck at 300mhz, I am getting about 15 fps in Heaven Benchmark now, before was much higher, I also noticed my power consumption in GPU-Z is now averaging 150% TDP and PerfCap reason is "Pwr" however, my 1070 seems to run fine in the machine. I have seen this problem on forums with some searching but I never have really seen a solution, most people just give up it seems?
Here are some fixes I attempted:

DDU Safe Mode tried every Nvidia driver I could find.

Disabling and uninstalling any overclocking software.

physically removing GPU from Mobo and inspecting.

I'm upgrading from a 1070, my build is an ASUS ROG G20CB, I just upgraded the card. I know the power supply is a bit on the weaker side but I've seen a few people with this SAME exact upgrade and same specs and they have been fine for months now.

Nvidia GTX 2080
i7 6700
180 W + 230 W Power adapter
1 x PCI-e x 16

Level 11
May or may not be related to your problem but what is your brand, model & age of your PSU. The more specific you are with your components the better we can assist. Also, are you using 'one' line from your PSU with a spliitter or two separate cables?

Heini wrote:
May or may not be related to your problem but what is your brand, model & age of your PSU. The more specific you are with your components the better we can assist. Also, are you using 'one' line from your PSU with a spliitter or two separate cables?

It's the stock PSU that came with the build, it looks like this:

It's two seperate cables, both PSUs do not combine at any point, the casing is just used to hold them together, otherwise it's two seperate cables, two seperate plug ins on my PC, and two wall plug ins. the age is 2 years old, the PSU has ASUS sketched into it, oddly enough I don't see any labels, perhaps it's inside the plastic casing?

I just know my PC has a custom Mobo that basically takes a laptop PSU, my Mobo requires two PSUs at once, one to power the GPU and one to power everything else. the GPU utilizes the 230 watt PSU.

I know many people were using this same PSU setup to power 1080tis with no problem, I've got my 1070 inside it right now and it's doing great, & like I said, it started acting strange when running the OC scanner tool.

this is the entire unit, it's the 1070 version