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CustOEM Pre-Installation Environment Windows 1903 (19H1/18362.30) Limited Download

Level 9
A base for boot.wim is available for download for 30 days:

This is a driverless base, but still editable, and based as a recovery, or setup or boot image. All Win PE modules except for Server Setup are present, and only need to be disabled if you wish.

This image can be used as:
Recovery: Winre.wim
Boot: boot.wim
Legacy Setup Image Index 2 with Boot Flag Set to Enabled: boot.wim (This means creating an iso of the Windows 10 install DVD and replacing the boot.wim on the DVD or USB, and then booting from the DVD or USB and installing Windows old school bare-metal)
Use dism to export the image twice, so the export creates boot.wim, and then running the same command again - export will write a 2nd index in boot.wim:
DISM /Export-Image /SourceImageFile:Original.wim /SourceIndex:1 /DestinationImageFile:boot.wim

Once you have the boot.wim containing two images, use IMAGEX to set the bootflag.
IMAGEX /INFO boot.wim 2 /BOOT


Contents inside 'source\tools\CustOEM\' contains the SysInternals Suite with RootKitRevealer, and also DevCon from the Hardware Lab Kit.
Contents inside 'source\recovery\tools' contains Microsoft Diagnostics and Recovery Toolset.

This is a 64-bit image (Cannot be used on 32-bit architecture) and everything is ready Signed for UEFI with Secure Boot. ... or don't use Secure Boot, up to you if you want enabled or disabled.

A G751 specialized image will be complete later in the month - as I'm testing a new set of drivers for 1903 (also USB Drivers have a revamp for Windows 1903).
However here are the boot-critical driver list :



KB45000109 breaks the recovery image. Don't apply KB4497936 or KB4500109 until they are superseded.

Windows 10.0.18362 Barebones OS
Windows 10 1903 - Bare Bones: Edge, OneDrive, Settings - 32GB HDD

Level 9
PS E:\WinROG> DISM /Mount-Image /ImageFile:winre.wim /Index:1 /MountDir:mount\RE                                                                                                                                                             
Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
Version: 10.0.18362.1

Mounting image
The operation completed successfully.
PS E:\WinROG> DISM /Image:mount\RE /Add-Package /PackagePath:"\\Nb-domain-hq\hq-hdd\1903\2019-05\windows10.0-kb4500109-x64_b727d70aacc30ac3522c02b285164d908e818ad6.msu"
Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
Version: 10.0.18362.1

Image Version: 10.0.18362.30

Processing 1 of 1 - Adding package \\Nb-domain-hq\hq-hdd\1903\2019-05\windows10.0-kb4500109-x64_b727d70aacc30ac3522c02b285164d908e818ad6.msu
The operation completed successfully.
PS E:\WinROG> DISM /Image:E:\WinROG\mount\RE /Add-Package /PackagePath:"E:\WinROG\windows10.0-kb4497936-x64_4ac9328bb1376d2cadb09f56ba95ac9b08b88fba.msu"
Deployment Image Servicing and Management tool
Version: 10.0.18362.1

Image Version: 10.0.18362.30

Processing 1 of 1 - Adding package E:\WinROG\windows10.0-kb4497936-x64_4ac9328bb1376d2cadb09f56ba95ac9b08b88fba.msu
E:\WinROG\windows10.0-kb4497936-x64_4ac9328bb1376d2cadb09f56ba95ac9b08b88fba.msu: An error occurred applying the Unattend.xml file from the .msu package.
For more information, review the log file.
Error: 0x80070002

Error: 2

I have already created windows RE 1903 and Windows PE 1903 for 64bit operating system. Your export image commands are not fully qualified , so I am giving exact command

In one install.wim file contains many editios like home , professional , education , enterprise , pro workstation

DISM /Export-Image /SourceImageFile:C:\install.wim /SourceIndex:1 /DestinationImageFile:C:\install2.wim

IMAGEX /INFO C:\boot.wim 2 /BOOT

to get all the details
IMAGEX /INFO C:\install.wim
Intel i5 7200U_ Nvidia 940MX _Windows_11_Enterprise_64bit_22H2_buildno_22621.754

Level 7
Nice work, might try this as a clean install later this week was looking at doing your last project the 1703 a few weeks ago but file wasn't available any more. Is this project finished as it is because with the other project you were setting up recovery and configuration environment partition as well. Is that coming for this as well i really liked that, and its what I've been trying to do myself. A push reset recovery partition, i have the original driver dvd for my g752vs-gc003t so should be able to get a long way to reengineering my own eRecovery partition as ASUS cant supply any other recovery media. No Clint and no jdfrench do not reply saying i should have backed it up with freemium (Clint) everyone knows, half this board discusses it and pointing to a useless thread that explains once more that you should have backed up also is wasting a lot of peoples time jd.
NeoBeum, nice job thanks again for sharing