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3 Bios Bugs with CROSSHAIR VI HERO

Level 7
Note: I'm using a Ryzen 3600 so I'm not sure if these bugs only affects Ryzen 3000.

Bug #1: Can be replicated every time; Is related to the CAS memory latency.
It won't ever accept odd numbers, only even ones. No matter if a D.O.C.P. profile was loaded or if a manual value was entered. Disabling the "Gear Down Mode" fixes this. In my opinion, there should be a check in the D.O.C.P. profile, where it automatically switches Gear Down Mode to "Disable" if the CAS value is an odd number.

Bug #2: This could actually be quite dangerous to the CPU. It causes the CPU fan to turn off.
Now, hear me out here for a second, as I couldn't get this bug to trigger with just synthetic benchmarks. It only happened after playing games for a while. It also seems to happen with any kind of fan profile as I had it happen with the fan on auto as well as with a custom fan curve.
I had HWiNFO64 open in the background so I could monitor temps etc. After closing the game, I saw the fan was stuck at ~1400 rpm (Rated for 200-2000) even when the CPU temperatures already settled to 40°c, which I knew from previously monitoring should have been around 500 rpm.

So I started up the CPU-Z benchmark (in stress test mode), to try and get the fan speed to update. The fan speed did indeed change. But to my surprise, it kept actually reducing in speed, until it turned off completely. Temps reached over 70°c very quickly with the fan still being off. (I have an open benchtable as a "case" so I also checked if it was just a display bug of hwinfo, but no, the fan actually stopped spinning). So with the temps still increasing, and the fan not looking like it would turn on again, I stopped the benchmark and all of a sudden the fans turned on again. They went back up to the 1400 rpm they were previously stuck at. Only a PC restart could restore the proper behaviour.

I hope you see how dangerous this bug could be and find a way to fix it.

Bug #3: A cold-boot-bug when CSM is disabled + the LED below the postcode stays on permanently, in bright white, even with all the LEDs in the bios being set to "Stealth Mode".
I'm not really sure if the cold-boot-bug is related to CSM, or if it also happens with CSM enabled, but having CSM turned off reduces reboot times from 16.5s to 14.5s, makes the bios display in the proper 4:3 aspect ratio (instead of being stretched to fill the screen) and fixes the LED below the postcode to be stuck in bright white when booted into windows, so having it turned off is actually the only valid option here for me.

Every time I cold boot my PC (after ~8 hours of being cut off from any electricity source) the first boot of that day will result in windows 10 getting stuck when the spinning animation appears. Simply hitting the restart button on the mainboard makes it boot properly again.

Bug #4: The VDDCR SOC Voltage control inside the Advanced > AMD Overclocking settings does nothing. I set it to as low as 100mv which shouldn't be possible to boot with, but it still worked. AMD Ryzen Master reported the soc voltage as 0.1.

Level 7
Update: flashed to 7201, and the CAS memory latency can still not be set to below 16. I didn't test for the fan bug yet, but I'm just going to presume that it is also still not fixed.

I updated the OP with a work around for the CAS latency issue. And I also found another bug with one of the boards LEDs. Really annoying.

Level 7
I confirm my CPU and case fans turned off and HWMonitor showed the following when I was trying to figure out why the system was not responding well. I opened the case side panel and was shocked to see fans not spinning and my Noctua HSF really hot. BIOS 7201 with custom fan profile, 15sec delay.
3700X in CH6, G.Skill 2400Mhz 32GB


Level 7
Could you try different monitoring tools?

Ravwyn wrote:
Could you try different monitoring tools?

What would the monitoring software have to do with the cpu fan/s turning off? Did you even read the OP? the fans actually turned off. it is not just a visual bug with the software showing "0 rpm"

Lextra wrote:
What would the monitoring software have to do with the cpu fan/s turning off? Did you even read the OP? the fans actually turned off. it is not just a visual bug with the software showing "0 rpm"

At this point we don't really know what exactly is the cause of this - there might be interference through some weird glitch. It's not the first time that an SMB dependent tool glitches out somehow and actively disturbs settings in the UEFI. And ASUS board looooooove to fail in the fan control department. So... not sure what your issue here is tbh.

Somehow I also have issues with my fans.
Everything works fine when the PC is freshly booted but after a longer time the fans seem to run on opposite speeds:

Fans turn off at 100%.
Fans run at max. speed when it's 0%.
Fans runs at 30% while the speed is set to 70%.

When the bug appears via the BIOS fan control or AI Suite fan control, I need to restart the PC.
When I use the built-in fan control of ArgusMonitor the bug still appears but I can fix the bug temporary without restarting the PC by restarting Argusmonitor until the bug appears again.

I once again updated the OP. Found another bug. Maybe only for 7302 and only if CSM is disabled. Basically, a cold-boot-bug. Happens every time if the conditions I described are met.

Level 9
It might also be worth testing the C6H beta bios that was posted. It fixed my post issues (memory related likely)
