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Multiple issues with new setup (Crosshair XI + Ryzen 3600) !?

Level 7

i just bought a new ASUS CH6/AMD Ryzen 3600 setup and had a lot of problems with it:

1) The ram i bought "Corsair Vengeance LPX DDR4-3200 CL16-18-18-36 2x8GB (CMK16GX4M2B3200C16)" had samsung b-dies on it but i was unable to run it without problems: double- and tripple boots every time and some other wired behaviors. the funny thing is that this ram was in the asus QVL but isnt working without problems. After switching to "Crucial Ballistix Sport LT DDR4-3200 CL16-18-18 2x8GB (BLS2K8G4D32AESBK)" with micron e-dies all the problems where gone.

2) Even with the lastest stable and beta BIOS i was not able to hit the expected 4200MHz boost - not with a single core. The maximum i saw was 411x rarely. Multicore with full load on all cores only hits 394x MHz. I saw a lot of users with exactly the same setup (board, cpu, bios) hitting much higher values. BIOS ist still @Auto/Default, AMD Chipset and Windows 10 are up to date too. Temperature is never going up higher then 75 degrees . using a Scythe Fuma 2 cooler.

3) I saw a very huge difference between the asus sensores and the values i set in bios. When i set the ram to 1.35v iam getting 1.372 shwon in windows - when i set it to 1.375 it shows 1.395v. Same issue with VCore - manualy set to 1.300v causing in 1.330v during stresstest. Temperatures (Board/CPU Sensores), VCore, VID... all valuas have a huge differences too.

So my question is... what is my problem? Is it still the bios? Do i have a faulty board or a bad cpu? Do you guys have the same problems with the sensors/shown values or is it a normal behavior for a board asus premium/enthusiasts board? Why other users with a ch6/ryzen 3600 setup reporting higher boost-clocks and less problems?

Please help!

