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Asus ROG G20aj Power Issue w/GTX 1660

Level 7
A couple of years ago, I purchased an Asus ROG G20aj desktop from Bestbuy. The initial relevant specs were one 230W power supply, one 180W power supply and an Nvidia Gforce GTX 760ti graphics card. A few months back, I purchased an Oculus Rift S VR headset. When I plugged in the headset to my desktop, my graphics card was struggling. I then purchased an Nvidia Gforce GTX 1660 to replace my 760ti. I did research before I purchased the graphics card but could only find an arbitrary 'needs more power' warning for upgrading the graphics card in this specific model. I figured I would be fine since the best video I found mentioned that his came with two 180W power supplies and he was upgrading from the same 760ti to a 900 series. In the video, he mentioned getting a 230W power supply to replace one of his 180W's. Since I already had a 230W, I figured I was fine. However, when I plugged my desktop back in and turned it on, long(er) story short, the computer was having trouble supplying power to all of my usb ports as well as my keyboard and mouse. When doing a little more research, I concluded that I needed a total of about 450 watts to power the whole computer with the new upgraded graphics card. So, I started to look around and soon found that my desktop had come with one 180W power connector and one 230W power connector, making it difficult to know what my next step should be. I am unsure if I need to order another 230W power connector to replace the 180W connector on the motherboard or if there is a simpler solution to getting more power to the computer, please reply if you have any idea what I should do or with any other feedback that might help.
(P.S. I have searched many forums and couldn't find any solutions to my current problem and even had trouble finding anyone else with a similar problem.)

Compiled Relevant Specs List:
1x - 180 watt power supply
1x - 230 watt power supply
1x - (OLD) Nvidia Gforce GTX 760ti Graphics Card
1x - (NEW) Nvidia Gforce GTX 1660 Graphics Card
Everything else stock.

Level 10
I assume it`s not power issue. G20AJ have some compatibility problem with turing based GPU.

You can follow this instruction I mention before in another post:

In bios setting "Go to "advance", "pch storage configuration" then set "Enabled" on Pcie Nand configuration" to fix random blackscreen
"and then go to "USB Configuration", MAKE SURE Intel xHCI mode was NOT set to "smart auto" or "enabled", You MUST " DISABLED" it, then only your usb peripheral will works (keyboard & mouse) when using Turing based gpu.

Hope it works