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X570 Crosshair VIII Hero: Relationship Between BIOS and Ryzen DRAM Calculator

Level 10
I've never overclocked before and thought I'd start by overclocking the memory. I need some help mapping what the Ryzen DRAM Calculator (v 1.62):

says I should use to the fields in my X570 Crosshair VIII Hero's BIOS.

Currently, everything related to overclocking in the BIOS is the default "Auto" except that I've set it to use the D.O.C.P. profile in the memory.

Into the DRAM Calculator, I've entered what I believe to be the correct values for my system:
  • Processor: "Ryzen 2 gen" (which should be my Zen2 3700X)
  • Memory Type: Samsung B-die (I'm pretty sure - RAMMon says Samsung, the web says b-die)
  • Profile version: V1 (that's what people say to use)
  • Memory Rank: 1 (ditto)
  • Frequency (MT/s): 3200 (that's what the memory is rated for, so I used it as the safest)
  • BCLK: 100 (unchanged in BIOS)
  • DIMM Modules: 2
  • Motherboard: X570

(My memory consists of two banks of G.Skill F4-3200C14D-16GTZ DDR4, so that's where much of the above comes from)

I hit the purple "R-XMP" button at the bottom and it grabbed the timing information from my memory to complete the left column. I then hit the green "Calculate SAFE" button to get safe overclocking values.


I've managed to map the center values on the Calculator's "Main" page (the t... timings) to values in my BIOS. But, I'm at a loss for about half of the values in the right column. Could someone point me in the right direction for finding the place to set the following Recommended values in my BIOS?
  • DRAM Voltage: 1.35
  • SOC VOltage: 1.025
  • cLDO VDDG Voltage : 0.900
  • cLDO VDDP Voltage: 0.900
  • BGS: Disabled

Then, there's the Calculator's "Advanced" page where I can't find anything equivalent in my BIOS. Ditto for its "Power Supply System" page. I'd appreciate any help there, too. I've included screenshot of those pages since there's too much to type here.

83025 83026

Level 10
I waded through my Crosshair VIII Hero's BIOS (version 1105) and found most of the locations that equate to what 1usmus' Ryzen DRAM Calculator gives. I'm including the information, below, in case it helps anyone else. Unfortunately, 1) I entered the data into OneNote and it's doing its darnedest to make sure I can't get the information out, and 2) I can't get this forum to put lines between the table elements. So, this might not be the prettiest thing to look at. Sorry.

Remember, these numbers are for my memory on my motherboard. So, the raw numbers probably won't help you. It's the final column describing where to put those numbers in the BIOS that are relevant here.

DRAM Calculator's Main Page

FieldSAFE t-valuesBIOS Location: All under Extreme Tweaker > DRAM Timing Control
tCL14"DRAM CAS# Latency"
tRCDWR14Switch order
tRCDRD14Switch order
tRFC (alt)312

Voltage Block (voltage range)MinRecMaxBIOS Location: All under Extreme Tweaker
DRAM Voltage1.341.351.36
SOC Voltage0.9751.0251.05"CPU SOC Voltage"?
cLDO VDDG Voltage0.90.90.95Can't Find
cLDO VDDP Voltage0.70.91.1

Misc ItemsValueBIOS Location
Power Down modeEnabledExtreme Tweaker > DRAM Timing Control
Gear Down modeEnabledExtreme Tweaker > DRAM Timing Control
Command Rate1TExtreme Tweaker > DRAM Timing Control
BGSDisabledBankGroupSwap at Advanced > AMD CBS > UMC Common Options > DRAM Memory Mapping
BGS altEnabledBankGroupSwap at Advanced > AMD CBS > UMC Common Options > DRAM Memory Mapping
FCLK1600Extreme Tweaker

Termination Block OmegaRecAlt 1Alt 2BIOS Location: All under Extreme Tweaker > DRAM Timing Control

CAD_BUS Block OmegaRecAlt 1Alt 2BIOS Location: All under Extreme Tweaker > DRAM Timing Control
CAD_BUS ClkDrv242424"MemCadBusClkDrvStren"?
CAD_BUS AddrCmdDrv202024"MemCadBusAddrCmdDrvStren"?
CAD_BUS CsOdtDrv202424"MemCadBusCsOdtDrvStren"?
CAD_BUS CkeDrv242424"MemCadBusCkeDrvStren"?

DRAM Calculator's Advanced Page

Main VoltagesRecAltBIOS Location: All under Extreme Tweaker > Tweaker's Paradise
VTT DDR Voltage min0.6730.678No min/max field
VTT DDR Voltage max0.67650.6815No min/max field
Boot DRAM Voltage1.3501.360Can't Find
Vref (CHA/CHB)0.6750.7425DRAM Ctrl Ref Voltage on [ChA/ChB] at Extreme Tweaker > Tweaker’s Paradise

Debug VoltagesRecAlt 1Alt 2BIOS Location: All under Extreme Tweaker > Tweaker's Paradise
VDDP Voltage900855815
VPP Voltage2.52.482.525"VPP_MEM Voltage"?
PLL Voltage1.81.771.83"PLL reference voltage" or "1.8V PLL Voltage" under Extreme Tweaker?

CAD_BUS TimingsRecAltBIOS Location: All under Extreme Tweaker > DRAM Timing Control
CAD_BUS AddrCmd053"MemAddrCmdSetup"?
CAD_BUS CsOdt053"MemCsOdtSetup"?
CAD_BUS Cke053"MemCkeSetup"?

Memory Interleaving + TweaksValueBIOS Location
Memory Interleaving Size2Advanced > AMD CBS > DF Common Options > Memory Addressing
Memory InterleavingChannelAdvanced > AMD CBS > DF Common Options > Memory Addressing
Channel Interleaving HashEnabledCan't Find
DRAM R1-R4 Tune0/63Extreme Tweaker > Tweaker's Paradise
L1 Stream HW PrefetcherEnabledAdvanced > AMD CBS > CPU Common Options > Prefetcher
L2 Stream HW PrefetcherEnabledAdvanced > AMD CBS > CPU Common Options > Prefetcher
Super I/O Clock SkewDisabledCan't Find
OpcacheEnabledCan't Find
Spread SpectrumEnabled"VRM Spread Spectrum" under Extreme Tweaker > External Digi+ Power Control or "SB Clock Spread Spectrum" in unknown location (found with F9)?
Memory ClearDisabledAdvanced > AMD CBS > DF Common Options

PMU TrainingValueBIOS Location: All under Advanced > AMD CBS > DDR4 Common Options > Phy Configuration > PMU Training
DFE Read TrainingEnabled
FFE Write TrainingEnabled
PMU Pattern Bits ControlManual
PMU Pattern BitsA or 10
MR6VrefDQ ControlAuto
CPU Vref Training Seed ControlAuto

DRAM Calculator's Power Supply Systems Page

CPU/VDDSOC/DRAMBest DRAM StabilityFor CPU tooBIOS Location: All under Extreme Tweaker > External Digi+ Power Control
CPU Load-Line CalibrationLevel 2/3Level 3/4
CPU Current Capability110-130%130-140%
CPU VRM Switching FrequencyManualSame as for DRAM
Voltage Frequency200/300300/400
CPU Power Duty ControlT.ProbeSame as for DRAM
CPU Power Phase ControlPower Phase ResponseSame as for DRAM
CPU Power Thermal Control120Same as for DRAM
Manual AdjustmentRegularUltra Fast
VDDSOC Load-Line CalibrationLevel 2/3Same as for DRAM
VDDSOC Current Capability120.00%Same as for DRAM
VDDSOC Switching FrequencyManualSame as for DRAM
Switching Frequency (Fixed) (KHz)300/400Same as for DRAM
Phase ControlManual/OptimizedSame as for DRAM
DRAM Current Capability100.00%120.00%
DRAM Power Phase ControlExtremeSame as for DRAM
DRAM Switching FrequencyManualSame as for DRAM
Switching Frequency (Fixed) (KHz)300/400Same as for DRAM

Did you get this working / do you need help.

I'm not sure from second post. Your ram is Samsung b-die.

Thanks for the offer. I got about 2/3 of the way through without any problems whatsoever. I was seeing about a 6% improvement in memory benchmarks, but they appeared mostly after simply entering those new timings at the top of the list. Adding the various voltages and non-t-value things didn't seem to be getting me anything more. So, I just stopped. For now, I've gone back to my regular old DOCP settings. I'm not sure if overclocking the memory is worth it at a system level (as opposed to a memory benchmark level), especially as I'm so clueless that I'm doing nothing but blindly following a recipe. I think I'll just spend a good amount of time trying to actually understand what's going with this before picking it up again. At least it should be easier to continue since I've found where most of the settings live in the BIOS.

But, again, thanks for the offer.

EDIT: oops. Maybe you can answer some of the questions I noted in my previous post:

  • Is the Calculator's "SOC Voltage" the same as the BIOS' "CPU SOC Voltage" under Extreme Tweaker?
  • Is the Calculator's "CAD_BUS ClkDrv" the BIOS' "MemCadBusClkDrvStren" under Extreme Tweaker > DRAM Timing Control?
  • Is the Calculator's "CAD_BUS AddrCmdDrv" the BIOS' "MemCadBusAddrCmdDrvStren" under Extreme Tweaker > DRAM Timing Control?
  • Is the Calculator's "CAD_BUS CsOdtDrv" the BIOS' "MemCadBusCsOdtDrvStren" under Extreme Tweaker > DRAM Timing Control?
  • Is the Calculator's "CAD_BUS CkeDrv" the BIOS' "MemCadBusCkeDrvStren" under Extreme Tweaker > DRAM Timing Control?
  • Is the Calculator's "CAD_BUS AddrCmd" the BIOS' "MemAddrCmdSetup" under Extreme Tweaker > DRAM Timing Control?
  • Is the Calculator's "CAD_BUS CsOdt" the BIOS' "MemCsOdtSetup" under Extreme Tweaker > DRAM Timing Control?
  • Is the Calculator's "CAD_BUS Cke" the BIOS' "MemCkeSetup" under Extreme Tweaker > DRAM Timing Control?
  • Is the Calculator's "VPP Voltage" the BIOS' "VPP_MEM Voltage" under Extreme Tweaker > Tweaker's Paradise?
  • Is the Calculator's "PLL Voltage" the BIOS' "PLL reference voltage" under Extreme Tweaker > Tweaker's Paradise or "1.8V PLL Voltage" under Extreme Tweaker?
  • Is the Calculator's "Spread Spectrum" the BIOS' "VRM Spread Spectrum" under Extreme Tweaker > External Digi+ Power Control or "SB Clock Spread Spectrum" in some unknown location (found with F9)? If the latter, do you know where that actually is?

here, watch this

You appear to be over-thinking this and free performance with near to no risk, is always worth dialing in `imo.

Thanks. I'd already seen that video. I primarily worked with the material in 1usmus' AMD Ryzen Memory Tweaking & Overclocking Guide. Specifically the things and diagrams on page 5:

But, as you noted, I'm probably over-thinking this. Doing his "Part 0" (basically the "t-values") seems to get the vast majority of the overclocking done. I used his TM5 0.12 program to stress test after each stage and never had an error. But, I was still worried that if I didn't go through all 5 "parts" and enter all the suggested values from the Calculator, I'd be leaving something hanging.

You could try dialing in 3600 safe settings for your ram and see if stable. You will see best performance gain for games at this point.

Since I can dial anything in from 3200 to 4133 using extreme 3200-3800 and DOCP thereafter, here is what I have learnt.

3200 is basic default speed.
3600 best for gaming & gaming benchmarks.
3800 best for applications & application benchmarks.

Hope you find this of help.

My plan was to get 3200 SAFE settings up and running and then try for 3600 SAFE. I'm pretty sure I should be good for at least 3600 and possibly up to 4110 SAFE (though I really doubt I'd ever go that high) since the Calculator Advanced Page shows a Memory Chip Quality of 93% and and Overclocking Potential of 4110 Mhz CL16. But, then, I merely used the big, purple "R-XMP" button to grab my memory settings instead of importing them through Thaiphoon Burner (that web page ( has security issues, Firefox didn't like the supposed .zip file it downloaded, and the .zip file wouldn't even unzip).

RAM: @3800 (technically it's fractionally higher) is last point before you hit a infinity fabric memory divide, after that not really worth going higher


Try or just use another program to get the file.

I've found what I think are the locations for two other Calculator fields in the BIOS. I'd appreciate it if someone could confirm/deny those:

  • Under the Misc table, "BGS" (and the Alternate) might be "BankGroupSwap" at Advanced > AMD CBS > UMC Common Options > DRAM Memory Mapping
  • Under the Main Voltage table, "VRef (CHA/CHB)" might be "DRAM Ctrl Ref Voltage on" (CHA/CHB) at Extreme Tweaker > Tweaker’s Paradise