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980Ti Matrix Platinum - Safe Mode GPUTweak wont reset my bios - Win10

Level 7
Hi all , sorry if this is in the wrong area of the forums but i figured the guys around here may have some experience with this.

I have two 980Ti Matrix Platinum's which id like to get into some overclocking with.

Id like to reset both the cards to 'Factory' BIOS's as they currently have different BIOS versions.

So, i power my PC up with the safe mode button pressed (One card installed at a time).

When i get into windows 10 a popup from GPUTweak appears saying something along the lines of "would you like to reset your GPU, this may take a few minutes" but before Im able to do anything the popup closes and nothing happens.

If i open GPU Tweak manually i get the same message but it again closes before anything happens.

Is this a bug with windows 10 does anyone know or is there something i am missing or can try to get this to work?

Many thanks for any and all help


Level 7
Morkrah wrote:
Hi all , sorry if this is in the wrong area of the forums but i figured the guys around here may have some experience with this.

I have two 980Ti Matrix Platinum's which id like to get into some overclocking with.

Id like to reset both the cards to 'Factory' BIOS's as they currently have different BIOS versions.

So, i power my PC up with the safe mode button pressed (One card installed at a time).

When i get into windows 10 a popup from GPUTweak appears saying something along the lines of "would you like to reset your GPU, this may take a few minutes" but before Im able to do anything the popup closes and nothing happens.

If i open GPU Tweak manually i get the same message but it again closes before anything happens.

Is this a bug with windows 10 does anyone know or is there something i am missing or can try to get this to work?

Many thanks for any and all help


Hello. I have a similar situation, the gpu tweak crashes in safe mode. Please tell me : Did you manage to find a solution to this problem?