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Trx40, Zenith Extreme II Alpha, Memory code: 00

Level 7
The first question I have is where do I look up the codes that show up on the MB rog display?

On to the real problem, I have "f4-32c14Q2-128GTZR" I know this isn't specifically listed in the QVL, but one would at least think that 1 stick at would work on Dim A1.
I know my previous system x399 ZE would auto clock up class and down clock speed to work with these dims (It would at least post, I could manually time it up from there), so I know these dims worked. By default, they worked at c16 2133?(I can't remember exactly).

I did try the CMOS battery removal and CMOS reset between trying each stick in A1, one at a time and all received the same error.
Can anyone verify these findings and or offer advice?

Trx40, Zenith Extreme II Alpha, Zenith Extreme 2 Alpha

Level 40
Have you updated to latest BIOS 0902?

Also that memory part no. gives me nothing... trying to look it up...

Arne Saknussemm wrote:
Have you updated to latest BIOS 0902?

Also that memory part no. gives me nothing... trying to look it up...

I hope this helps.

This MB is new out of the box, 2nd one I've tried with this ram. Ram was working with 1st gen 1950x and 1gen ZE. The only thing I can see is the "R" label I noticed none of the QVL ram has the "R" label for G.SKILL

I'm unable to get the system to post I don't have any ram I can throw in to this system at the moment. Can one flash a bios without the system posting?

Thank you for your time.

Level 40
Well I would definitely update the BIOS. BIOS flashback method

All the CPUs I've tested on this platform have proved very capable as far as IMC and That kit looks like B-die...I'd honestly expect it to work no problem...what CPU?

Do you have the board fully powered...i.e 2x8 pin at least

Check all switches are set to off...i.e slow mode etc...

Arne Saknussemm wrote:
Well I would definitely update the BIOS. BIOS flashback method

All the CPUs I've tested on this platform have proved very capable as far as IMC and That kit looks like B-die...I'd honestly expect it to work no problem...what CPU?

Do you have the board fully powered...i.e 2x8 pin at least

Check all switches are set to off...i.e slow mode etc...

I have all power connectors plugged in: 2x8 CPU, 6pin CPU(using VGA cable) and the Molex at the bottom left.
3990x, I do a lot of virtualization and cloud infrastructure engineering/development/QA. I plan to upgrade to 256gb, but that can wait. I need to make sure this system works first.

How should I name the file, previously it was ZA.cap, I looked at the USB and found "Z2E.cap" and "Z2EA.cap", logic states I should name it "Z2EA.cap", EDIT: found the answer: "Z2EA.cap" for those interested. The website states to use a "renaming tool". This is a new one on me, couldn't one just rename it or is a special tool really needed?


Well, bios flashback didn't make any difference.

Level 40
Yeah you can just manually name it Z2EA...but the tool is handy...

Not sure what is wrong there.

Have you tried a single stick and changed slots?

I'd also reseat the CPU just in case it's displaced in the socket or something like that...disconnect everything non essential from the board.

Was the BIOS flash successful?....maybe switch BIOS chips?

Arne Saknussemm wrote:
Yeah you can just manually name it Z2EA...but the tool is handy...

Not sure what is wrong there.

Have you tried a single stick and changed slots?

I'd also reseat the CPU just in case it's displaced in the socket or something like that...disconnect everything non essential from the board.

Was the BIOS flash successful?....maybe switch BIOS chips?

I've tried 1 stick at a time in slot A1, haven't tried any other. I've also tried all sticks, 2 slots(A1, C1) 4slots(A1, B1, C1, D1).
I've tied switching bios's (also flashed, successfully both).
I've tried slow mode
I've tried L2 mode

What do you mean to disconnect everything? are talking HD, Video cards, Fans?
What slot do you suggest I use for ram testing other than A1?

Level 7
Just checked every slot, same error. 84409
I'm a bit frustrated. $800 motherboard and $1200 worth of ram and they won't work together?
I'm looking back at the QVL, at ram(Might order the cheapest proof of concept I can find.) I'll also reset the CPU just in case(I've tried this already but hey why not again?
While I have the CPU off I'll take some photos and you all can give me some insight on "bad pins" and other such items.
I appreciate you all, thanks for your time.

Level 7
Those pic's