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G750JW FN/F9 old problem to disable the mousepad again - solved

Level 10
Suddenly, the FN/F9 to disable the mousepad on this G750JW doesn't want to work. I've tried with the Smart Gesture and checked where it tells me if I have a wireless mouse installed & that did nothing.
I also uninstalled the ATK package and reinstalled it again from the ASUS site but that does nothing. I can run a troubleshoot on the AsusTPLauncher.exe and it comes up with an 'Incompatible program - fixed' and that works UNTIL I reboot the system.
Please advise as to what I must do in order to get this mousepad diable permanently, well until I want to enable it again.

Level 10
I've found the problem and fixed it. Thanks again for the many replies and efforts to assist. Always appreciated!

Level 11
State the solution in your thread.

Level 10
Sorry about that Dave. To make the short story long, I went to uninstall the ASUS Smart Gesture and saw the option to repair. Upon doing that and a gentle reboot, everything is working flawlessly. I did notice the Smart Gesture Icon was not in the taskbar but upon repairing it, that also now appears as it should.
It is weird what throws these things off kilter but whatever, it happens. I suppose an update from Microsoft or someone sending a lethal virus could cause the system to belch, but whatever, all is proceeding as normal now. Hopefully this will help someone who might be presently enjoying the same problem as I was.

Level 11
I'm betting on an update from MS messed it up for you. There've been a couple lately. I had some strange things happen to my desktop on one of the last updates. Sometimes requires reinstall of Asus software. Thanks for posting.

Level 10
You're more than welcome Dave! I'll go with you as to a Microsoft update being the snag. All the best and stay healthy in the midst of this virus stuff.