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Reposting gx502

Level 8
Hello wanted to ask if anyone has repasted a gx502 or any of the gu laptops with the same cpu/design and if it’s worth it, I’m currently using throttlestop to lock turbo boost to 3 ghz to achieve a mid 80 temp but if I use the stock ASUs settings with 4ghz of turbo boost my cpu easily hits 95c before it starts to throttle down is repasting worth it?

Level 7
dvrko wrote:
Hello wanted to ask if anyone has repasted a gx502 or any of the gu laptops with the same cpu/design and if it’s worth it, I’m currently using throttlestop to lock turbo boost to 3 ghz to achieve a mid 80 temp but if I use the stock ASUs settings with 4ghz of turbo boost my cpu easily hits 95c before it starts to throttle down is repasting worth it?

I have GX502GV and have the same problem, and only real profile where CPU is not hitting thermal throttling is SILENT, but there is another problem ( I described it here: )!

As ASUS says, from 2020 all ROG laptops ships with Liquid metal paste and it gives visible difference on thermals [ ] so yes, it will help. BUT - as I know - there is warranty void sticker on cooling system and if you will re-paste - you will lose warranty. As I purchased laptop few moths ago I do not want to lose it, so will wait till end of it to re-paste with Thermal grizzly.