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Zephyrus S GX502GW massive FPS drops

Level 7
- GPU: RTX 2070
- RAM: 32GB
- CPU: i7-9750H
- Storage: 1TB primary SSD, 2TB secondary SSD

Since about 2 weeks ago, I've been having massive FPS drops while gaming, as for the first few minutes or so after startup, I get normal FPS (150-240 in most games), but then the FPS drops to between 9-30 and does not recover, and the GPU shows 99% usage, even in older games. I've run a system diagnostic on the memory, clean reinstalled the NVidia drivers, made sure that the GPU wasn't in power saving mode, and the driver update provided only minimal improvements. This is really annoying me, and I was wondering if anyone else had the same issue, and if so, if they had a fix.

Level 8
First, verify that you are n discrete graphics mode not optimus (in armoury crate you have a simple indicator for that, if you see optimus then click on it to change it to discrete graphics and reboot as prompted.)
Second, check your temperatures, from what you have described, there is a high chance that it is the laptop massively overheating and throttling either your GPU or CPU hard to prevent damage.
If it's the temps and your laptop is under warranty i recommend you RMA it ASAP because using the laptop like that could damage the components due to excessive heat.

fbajjar wrote:
First, verify that you are n discrete graphics mode not optimus (in armoury crate you have a simple indicator for that, if you see optimus then click on it to change it to discrete graphics and reboot as prompted.)
Second, check your temperatures, from what you have described, there is a high chance that it is the laptop massively overheating and throttling either your GPU or CPU hard to prevent damage.
If it's the temps and your laptop is under warranty i recommend you RMA it ASAP because using the laptop like that could damage the components due to excessive heat.

Thanks for the response, I am definitely in discrete graphics mode, and my CPU is running at about 95-98 C while gaming, while the GPU is running at around 87-95 C. Are these temperatures enough to be causing the massive throttling?

GarudaXx wrote:
Thanks for the response, I am definitely in discrete graphics mode, and my CPU is running at about 95-98 C while gaming, while the GPU is running at around 87-95 C. Are these temperatures enough to be causing the massive throttling?

Dude the GPU is at 87-95C??! RMA it asap, it shouldn't even reach these temperatures because by design it should HEAVILY thermal throttle when it reaches 87C. In my Zephyrus S GX502 even at stock without undervolting and such the GPU NEVER goes beyond 85C (with undervolting the CPU its 82C). No wonder you have such massive fps drops, the GPU is limiting itself hard because its beyond the maximum temp that is designed for it.
Sorry for the late reply btw, i'm not that active here.

We have the exact same configuration even with the SSDs and I am not getting this issue. Would you be able to run a gaming benchmark (3dmark Stability Test, Heaven) then run a hardware monitoring tool? (Afterburner/RivaTuner, FPS Monitor, HWMonitor)

After a couple of loops, observe the behavior of your cpu-gpu temps and usage. This will help you pinpoint the issue.

Also note that if you lower the settings and resolution enough, the CPU actually becomes the bottleneck and the GPU should not be 99%. If it still 99%, it might be a hardware issue (RMA) or another process is using your GPU. (malware/cryptominer)

I have similar problems.
Additionally, while i play a game my laptop freeze totally and only holding the power button for 5+ sec **** it down.
This is an example of the log from a game (Derstiny2).
Last lines (before headers at the bottom are just before the game froze.

While I play Divisin2 I have (very often) FPS drops (to 18FPS) while normally I have `70+ FPS.

Shall I contact a service? Or anybody can tell me what shall I check?
I think something is very wrong.

All drivers are updated and games are set to GPU not embedded one.

CPU i7 10750
GPU RTX 2070 Super

You are not alone,

This Chasis is making so much heat that your laptop throttles down. I had the same problem.

First i installed one older Bios that allows the voltage controls, and then i use throttlestop to undervolt the CPU and lowered the clocks

Then i Used Afterburnet to undervolt the GPU also.

You lose some performance but you keep the stability.

To the fellas who says about the GPU temp is so high and it needs to go RMA,
mine was also going over 85, because the GPU and CPU using the same Heatsink, CPU is effecting GPU temps. RMA can not do anything about it.

applying a high quality Thermal paste helps 3-4 degrees also.

Mine's GPU temps never went over 83C even in the most stressful workloads and after sending it to a service center it never goes beyond 77C. The CPU temps are bad and it throttles easily but to their credit the GPU never throttled (which it starts doing that in 87C+) that is why i suggested he does RMA.

Level 10
Hello GarudaXx,
May you double check if your BIOS has been updated to the latest version?
Thank you.