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Odd issue. Usb ports stopped working, Pc shutdown just before. Can anyone help please

Level 7
Hello, I was running BIOS 1302, i installed the latest chipset Version possibly a day prior to my current predicament (I only mention this to give us much info as possible).

I was playing a game the other morning which is a not so hardware demanding game, Hearthstone. During a game my computer just turned off. First time I have experienced anything like this since the 6-7months I have had this computer I put together (my PC specs can be seen under my name).

It was fairly frustrating because I was just about to go away for a small weekend break but now I am back I have tried fixing my PC after the fact the PC shutdown whilst I was playing a not so demanding game.

I noticed that after turning my PC back on that my keyboard was not responding. It turns out that the blue usb ports at the back aren't working now it seems. The red ports do but not the blue ones (gen1 don't work, gen2 do).

In the device manager i see that there are 2 errors; unknown usb device (device descriptor request failed), unknown usb device (set address failed)

I have tried numerous things to get these errors resolved. I can also only think that it was because of my USB ports that the PC shutdown, quite odd though isn't it?

As a sidenote - I actually reinstalled my OS thinking that this would solve any issues my PC was having. But my USB ports are still faulty. Oh dear, my new'ish PC is quite frustrating as during my 6-7months with it. It has not run as I hoped it would. It was starting to behave well enough I thought lately but now I have this problem.

When I start my PC also my keyboard and mouse would take awhile before they will becoming active to use. My keyboard works straightaway now but my mouse still take 30secs or so before I can start to use it. I think the USB errors have something to do with this.

Can anyone help me with this please? How can I remove the USB error message I see within device manager?

Thank you

nb: i have considered updating BIOS to 2010, 2103 but have remained on 1302 as that had been working well enough for me until this point, not saying this issue is BIOS relating anyhows (the posts I have read in the forums relating to the newer BIOS's have made me wary of trying them out to mainly).

Level 7
Sounds rather weird - Was anything connected to USB that could result in damage? Such as devices which just draw power from the ports? Fans, chargers, anything?

Does the keybord/mouse work on the ports which won't in OS when you just boot into the BIOS? Or boot to e.g. Linux via flash drive? This can give you a pretty good idea if it is related to your OS or BIOS or even damaged HW.

Did you disconnect power completely for an extended period of time? Like switch of the PSU or pull the cord for >20 seconds?

I suggest you give it a try with the latest BIOS nevertheless, usually the release notes are not giving away all the fixes.

Catweasel wrote:
Sounds rather weird - Was anything connected to USB that could result in damage? Such as devices which just draw power from the ports? Fans, chargers, anything?

Does the keybord/mouse work on the ports which won't in OS when you just boot into the BIOS? Or boot to e.g. Linux via flash drive? This can give you a pretty good idea if it is related to your OS or BIOS or even damaged HW.

Did you disconnect power completely for an extended period of time? Like switch of the PSU or pull the cord for >20 seconds?

I suggest you give it a try with the latest BIOS nevertheless, usually the release notes are not giving away all the fixes.

Thanks for reply.

I only had what i normally have connected to the ports at the back, what i've had their for the last few months; keyboard, mouse, gamepad simple things like this if not only these things. Nothing that should draw an excessive amount of power from them.

My keyboard and mouse work on other USB ports just the 4 blue usb ports at the back. All seem to not be working. The red usb ports work fine.

I will try the blue ports in BIOS screen and see if the mouse works here, nice idea. I'll let you know how it works out.

I haven't tried disconnecting power completely but my PC had been off for a good few days recently as I just went on a short break away. So, it has had no power for an extended time but not 'complete' loss of power like unplugging from socket etc.

q) I'm on 1302 BIOS, i heard bad stories with 2010 2103 BIOS. Should i do a BIOS update or do you think the latest BIOS are still to be concerned about? With the posts people have made on them relating to how they are giving problems.

Great ASUS customer service

So, my USB port issue. After waiting to hear back from them from my initial ticket (which was only 1 day i think so quick response imo). We went back and forth 2 times or so till we were able to fix the issue.

Clear CMOS is what fixed it! Looking into how to do this properly I turned my PC off, disconnected power cable to PC. Left it till lights went off in PC. Then at the back of my PC the top row, right button. The instruction book shows exactly the one. The clear CMOS button. I held this down for 3 seconds, 3-5secs to be sure. The plugged PC back in turned on computer.

Device Manager showed no USB errors now. My mouse would respond immediately too once windows screen appears. It had a delay before I could use it before by say 15 seconds. But now responds immediately. Probably as a result of the USB port issue I had earlier.

Glad my USB ports seem to be working fine now.