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3080 TUF with (Bios)error (Biosswitch / Fanstop)

Level 7

I am from germany, I'm sorry for my bad english!

I bought a Asus RTX3080 TUF on Releaseday. From beginning the card has two little problems:

1.) If I switch from performance Bios to Silent Bios there is no change at the fans. Same RPM at same temperatures!
I found other users with the same problem / bug.

2.) The fan stop under 36°C does not work most times. The fans don't stop even if the card is under 30°C cold! Only on circa one of ten times the fanstop works. But if it not works the fan rotates constant with 1000RPM.
I found only one user until now with the same error.

I would like to know if this are known bugs oder there will follow a fix (new Bios?) or if this is not known at ASUS. Perhaps there is a quick fix I can do on myself? Info: using ASUS tool or Afterburner doesn't change behavior.

with greetings,

Level 7
Hi Sven,

I have the problem with the not working fan-stop too. But only when the card is installed in my main computer. In another computer it works. I am suspecting Afterburner did mess something up in a way it persists even after I uninstalled Afterburner.

For your other problem I have a solution: For the BIOS-Switch to take effect, I needed to reinstall the graphics card driver. Then it changes from quiet to performances an vice versa.

Hoppel (also from germany)

Level 7
Hey. I have Asus RTX3080 TUF OC with exactly same fan problem. Fan stop doesnt work. I've tried both OC and Quiet mode switches. Also with afterburner I can only slow fan speed to 30%. Setting fan below that does nothing. With latest Asus GPUTweak I cant set fan speed below 50% which is also the default of the card. I think this is way too high while gpu temperature is only 30C in desktop use. I hope new driver/vbios will fix it soon.


so it's good to knew, that I'm not the only one with this problem. So I hope that ASUS read this and can fix the problem with a new BIOS perhaps.

Level 7
I did additional testing and what I found was that fans run at 53% even if gpu temperature is as low as 30C and there is no gpu usage. Fans will stop immediately when monitor goes to sleep though! I did multiple test with different monitor sleep times even and it always behaved the same.

loccc wrote:
I did additional testing and what I found was that fans run at 53% even if gpu temperature is as low as 30C and there is no gpu usage. Fans will stop immediately when monitor goes to sleep though! I did multiple test with different monitor sleep times even and it always behaved the same.

I tested this too, but I can not confirm this behavior with my setup. My fans keep spinning with 53% even when the monitor goes to sleep or is out.


so, I did a clean Install of Windows today just to be sure, that there aren't any issues from the Afterburner, Asus Utility or old drivers.
But the problem is still the same, Fans are moving with 1000RPM even under 30° C.

So I am sure that the problem comes not from a broken Afterburner or other tool! I think it's a Bios thing.

Does ASUS read this forum? Or should we contact the support to tell them from the problems?

Hi. I've the exact same behaviour as loccc with my TUF 3080. Fans are able to stop when card is not being monitored, but the most slight graphic load, like a Youtube video in SD, causes the card's fans to start spinning, despite temps being lower than 30 degrees c.

When fans spin with these kind of light loads, they go at 53%.

I think the card was supposed to stop the fans whenever temps were lower than 55 degrees c.

Level 7
Hey. I have not confirmed this but apparently currently the vbios cut off for fan off mode is 55C and load under 30W. My card never goes below 30W even when I don't do anything. Typical desktop shows ~40W or so. It goes below 30W though when monitor goes to sleep and then fans god off as well. I know that Strix model of this card has this same behavior.

I don't know... According to gpuz, I can get consistent 30-40w board consumption levels with fans stopped: