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Asus Rog Centurion 7.1 install issue

Level 7

I have an Asus Rog Centurion 7.1 installation problem. Recently, my mic doesn't work. I've looked at the installed drivers. It stated that the device hadn't migrated. I tried to install the software again. It stated that the device's digital signature couldn't be verified. I tried the win10 boot option and went into test mode to see if I could install the software without the verification process of the driver. Same issue. I've tried different USB ports. No go.

Any ideas would be appreciated. I'm suspecting the headset is borked somehow.

Level 7
Looks like someone said in another posting here that ASUS had not renewed its licensing agreement with MS. So, my Asus Centurion headset is no good atm. Can anyone recommend a non Asus headset at this point?

Windows 10 had recently an security update ( and the the digital signature was changed. I contacted asus support and they said that are working on a new asus rog but dont know when they will release the fix.
I manage to install the asus rog driver like following:
1. Install an older windows 10 with internet cable unplugged
2. Install asus driver
3. Install latest windows 10 updates
Worked for m

Recently I bough the ASUS ROG Centurion 7.1 Headphones. They are beautiful. Lots of features spare ear muff covers full over ear, great sound.
But if you happen to re install watch out.. ASUS has not paid Microsft for the Digital License. What this means is you will not be able to install software and drivers on Windows 10 64bit.

I am told disabling driver signing and turning of other features will allow the install to work. No it does not. As the drivers and software are bundled in a app package windows will not allow the install as the software has a digital license attached and is out of date.
You can install some drivers but without the software you will not be able to configure the headset.

If you know a work around or have had similar I would love to hear.

I understand installing an older version of windows 10 would help but I have loads of apps on my PC I should not have to re install everything

Try to follow the steps from screenshot.

Also they said that are working on updated asus driver but they dont know when will be released.

Level 10
Dear all,
Please refer to below link
If there is any issue regarding this execution, please let me know.
Thank you.

Level 7
Dear all,

The new driver was released on 30 Nov. 2020 (v.1.1.20), please check the Asus website and it's working without any issues.
I was thinking if I need to replace the headset but now I'm fine.
