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Asus strix raid pro control box dont work

Level 7
i bought the raid pro sound card with control box about 2 weeks ago. Now I have the problem that it doesn't work. I have read through ALL of the available articles and tried them out. Play on new firmware. Change Windows 10 version ..... Nothing helped. At the point with the firmware play on it there is a problem. The program always says that the box is on v.0.0.

When I plug in and unplug the box, the LEDs charge. As soon as it has started up, it always shows the Soround setting. When I turn the control for the volume, the volume changes automatically without me doing anything.

Kind Regards, Hopefully u can help me.

Level 7
This what I posted months ago

"I have a Strix Raid Pro soundcard that uses the external control for volume and switching between headphones and speakers.
It has the latest driver and just recently fails to initialise properly and startup. It goes through the the two light patterns but just sits with every other light on. I can get it to work by either restarting the PC or exiting the Sonic Studio and starting it up again.


I've a work around which might help.
Make a shortcut to C:\Program Files\ASUSTeKcomputer.Inc\nhAsusStrix\UserInterface\nhAsusStrixUILauncher (The path may be different for you)
And in the target of the short cut add /noui
So it looks like this " C:\Program Files\ASUSTeKcomputer.Inc\nhAsusStrix\UserInterface\nhAsusStrixUILauncher" /noui
1) Once Windows has booted check the system tray and if the icon for the sound card is there quit it.
2)Give it a minute or so and run the shortcut hopefully it will work after that but if it doesn't just repeat 1 & 2

This has been going on for months on no account uninstall the drivers as there is a problem with the licence for them and you won't be able to reinstall them.

So if anyone reading this is thinking of buying a strix souncard, DON'T!!

They released the new drivers 1.1.22 to fix the licence problem.
Now you can uninstall, reinstall to your hearts content without any problems, great but the control box still wont work.
The card still isnt detected, nhAsusStrixSvc32.exe does not startup, although strix soundcard shows in the system tray the only way to get it to work is to exit it from the system tray and run nhAsusStrixUILauncher.exe appx 3 minutes after exiting it.

I'm absolutely fed up with this to the point of ditching the card and using my onboard sound or buying a creative card.

I think the next thing to do is to find every site that is selling this card and give a review warning people not to buy it

Problems with the external control unit are just the first symptoms. After a while, the card stops working completely. This is a massive problem. The product is poorly designed and poor components are used. But ASUS refuses to acknowledge this problem.

DS2902 wrote:
Problems with the external control unit are just the first symptoms. After a while, the card stops working completely. This is a massive problem. The product is poorly designed and poor components are used. But ASUS refuses to acknowledge this problem.

Well I've finally solved my problem and strongly suggest you all try the same.

After months of discussions with Asus support they agreed to buy back the card at 100% of what I paid for it, as this card was nearly out of warrenty this was really appreciated.

I really liked this card with the external control and would rather that they could have released new firmware which I honestly think is the problem but at least I've got a refund.

It's really a shame because the way the control handled switching between headphones and speakers was great and so far I've not seen another card that has this feature,