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Random CROSSHAIR VI HERO crash during boot

Level 7

For nearly I year I have been getting random not frequent crashes during boot and cannot figure out what is the cause of it. Basically it happens once or twice every two weeks. I hope someone can shed a some light on this issue.


My hardware:
My software: Up to date Windows 10 PRO x64
Bios: 7901 (latest)

The issue:

Every once in a while when I start my PC in the morning it boots slower than usual. When I arrive to the Windows login screen I can clearly see some lag when typing and moving the mouse cursor. Once I authenticate myself and the user session starts the display crashes after few seconds and I get Q code 8 on the motherboard. Before I get Q code 8 I have Q code 40 on the login screen.

After I restart the device everything functions normally.

I am not 100% sure but I think that it all started after certain BIOS upgrade, cannot remember which one though. Since then I have been updating the BIOS regularly in the hope that this would be fixed. The latest BIOS 7901 did reduce the frequency of these crashes.


I troubleshooted a lot this issue, there are no crash logs in Windows, except for abnormal restart.

I tried the following:

1. Replaced the current GPU with an older model to check if GPU is causing the issue
2. Removed all unnecessary components such as extra storage devices, left only SSD with the OS
3. Run the memory test for over 12 hours and swapped the sticks

Unfortunately I couldn't test PSU since I do not have an extra PSU.