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performance issues

Level 7
I feel like my pc is underperforming in games, i dont think i have a bad pc setup but maybe not top nodge for gaming.
for example in csgo, a month ago i had STRIX-GTX980TI-DC3OC-6GD5-GAMING gpu and ran the game around 170-200 fps on low settings with 1280x960 resolution, now i have ROG Strix GeForce RTX 3090 OC Edition 24GB GDDR6X and nothing have changed.

Adding photos of my settings and hardware.

Any help is very much appreciated 😃

Level 9
First GJ on that 3090.
Second. Well Threadripper 1st gen isn't very good for gaming. And as you said after upgrade you didn't notice any improvement. I betcha you are CPU bottleneck. CS:GO is heavy CPU game so if you would have something like 10900k or 5900x it would be better. You can download MSI afterburner Let it be on background and play some match with bots then go check your CPU and GPU utilization (Usage) and i would bet your GPU would be low and CPU high. Watch this video for little bit (12:28-13:05)

This doesnt change that CS:GO is CPU heavy game but, you can apply this to most games
Lower resolution = High CPU usage / Low GPU usage
High resolution = Lower CPU usage / Higher GPU usage

KotOr368 wrote:
First GJ on that 3090.
Second. Well Threadripper 1st gen isn't very good for gaming. And as you said after upgrade you didn't notice any improvement. I betcha you are CPU bottleneck. CS:GO is heavy CPU game so if you would have something like 10900k or 5900x it would be better. You can download MSI afterburner Let it be on background and play some match with bots then go check your CPU and GPU utilization (Usage) and i would bet your GPU would be low and CPU high. Watch this video for little bit (12:28-13:05)

This doesnt change that CS:GO is CPU heavy game but, you can apply this to most games
Lower resolution = High CPU usage / Low GPU usage
High resolution = Lower CPU usage / Higher GPU usage

Thank you 🙂
Ahh i understand. Well, nothing to say besides poor choice of cpu by me then 😕

What KotOr368 said is 100% corrects when it comes to CPU and GPU.

This is my opinion on storage, If I were you I would get rid of any HDDs and SATA SSDs and use PCIe NVME SSDs only. You can get three 2TB 970 EVO NVMe SSDs with a total of 6TB. Utilize the DIMM.2 and the onboard NVMe PCIe port. This would allow all three storage devices to have direct connection to the CPU (bypassing the Chipset). Sometimes having a lot of internal storage devices can have an effect on performance.

Jesseinsf wrote:
What KotOr368 said is 100% corrects when it comes to CPU and GPU.

This is my opinion on storage, If I were you I would get rid of any HDDs and SATA SSDs and use PCIe NVME SSDs only. You can get three 2TB 970 EVO NVMe SSDs with a total of 6TB. Utilize the DIMM.2 and the onboard NVMe PCIe port. This would allow all three storage devices to have direct connection to the CPU (bypassing the Chipset). Sometimes having a lot of internal storage devices can have an effect on performance.

I have 3 nvme drives and the rest is ssd. I have 1 external old drive where i copy all the stuff that i absolutely dont want to loose nomatter what 😉
Yeah im having a new issue as well, something makes either my games crash all the time. But it's not allways the same thing. Sometimes it's the game, gpu driver, network card and so on. i Cant figure out what it is. Everything started when i was formatting every disk on the pc, i used to use samsung magician and Over-Provisioning on all the disks, i did not turn that off before i ereased the hard drives, and i used something from a site called parted magic.
After that i lost 10% of the storage on every disk, cant find it in disk managament, tried different software but nothing, BUT after that i have not managed to play one single day without something allways going wrong, crashes, bluescreen and so on. All the good stuff.
I fear that i have ****ed up all my drives because of that.
Maybe i just have to buy a new disk, remove every single one of the old ones and hope for the best?

Hey Stenslean,

I have the exact processor and only a bit more random access memory installed (128GB). I was witnessing all types of problems when I overclocked my RAM frequency to 3200MHz. At first it was working fine.
So I thought so as it seems. I researched a lot for the information on the internet to achieve the best setting's. In the end, I realized that to achieve the desired optimum settings for 3200MHz, it takes a lot, I mean a lot of knowledge. All of the information on the internet is for amateurs (like me) but the rest is somewhere else and you won't find it on the internet.
Stenslean, try maybe reverting your RAM to default frequency (2666MHz) and see how it goes from there. You have a beast of a setup with that graphics card. Nowadays, I'm running everything at stock speed and somehow it appears faster than it was overclocked. My monitor is 1080p with 165Hz refreshing rate. Every single game I run is at the highest possible settings and I'm getting a lot framerates (anywhere from 136 to 150).

It is possible that your computer is underperforming in games, because there are several factors that can influence gaming performance. One of the most important factors is the graphics card, which handles all the graphical processing for the game.

Another factor that can affect gaming performance is the CPU speed. If your computer's CPU speed is too slow, it will not be able to keep up with the demands of the game. You can check your CPU speed by using a program like CPU-Z.

Other factors that can influence gaming performance include the amount of RAM installed on your computer and the type of hard drive you are using.

Level 13
IMHO, there is lots of factor to ascertain what a good perfect system hardware build. After all it still down depend how the config work within. having said that, OS config....etc. You need to to look at every aspect within your system. From the mobo down to CPU, RAM, GPU, OS...etc. In another word the complete system build. Sorry if I am wrong, and correct me.