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Rog zephyrus duo 15 se (gx551qm) rgb keyboard reactive lighting issue - armoury crate

Level 7
Hello. I've been using the 3060-5800H version of GX551 (QM) for almost two months. My main problem has to do with the per key RGB lighting on the keyboard.

I chose "Reactive" on the Armoury Crate so that the keys would light up as I press them, but my right shift, Enter, PrtSc keys, 2nd screen switch key and arrows/PgUp won't light up upon pressing them. My ROG Armoury Crate button used to light up fine, but after I tried clean uninstalling and reinstalling the Armoury Crate software in hopes of fixing this, now when I press the ROG button, my arrow/PgUp switch key lights up instead.

I only really need my right shift and Enter keys to react correctly, and it would be great to fix my ROG button to light itself instead of lighting another key, but the other keys not lighting themselves up are fine by me. Since I had many audio and video driver issues with this laptop I formatted it too many times, and formatting also didn't help fix this.

This issue happens only with the reactive lighting options within Armoury Crate (also with Laser and Drops, they won't activate the reactive animation if I press any of the malfunctioning keys I listed above), and the keys light up fine when I use all the other static or dynamic lighting options.

I wonder if anyone here can help me diagnose and fix this issue. Thank you.