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ASUS RAMCache III Revisited!

Level 8
Last time I tried out RAM Cache III I Only had 16gb DDR4 which meant I could only cache around 2000MB which was ok but that meant I filled my current RAM usage up so it wasnt really viable. Ive now got 32gb DDR4 and now can cache 12GB of RAM and boy does it make a difference!


As you can see from the pic, Crystal Disk Mark with NVME SSD defaults enabled then on Performance R/W Mix with 8GB test size it means im now effectively using my RAM for R/W IO opperations upto 12GB which is perfect!!!

Take note of the 3rd Row RND4K IOPS, that apparently represents a real world usage example.

Granted im only using an X299 board so would expect people running newer boards with PCIE4 over my PCIE3 you would probably see slightly better benchmarks. But im happy as it certainly makes up for only being able to run PCIE3 NVME SSD's compared to PCIE4 NVME SSD's as that benchmark ive now got beats those without RAM Cache running at least!!

Just posting this as an example to new users on here wondering if RAMCache3 is worth using!! My answer if your only running 16GB Ram its a NO but 32GB+ its a big YES!!

Thanks for reading,


Level 7
What's the difference between the modes:
- Advanced mode
- Intelligent mode

As I understood ..

You choose the disk to which you assign the cache.

Intelligent (???)
Apparently when the allocated cache volume is allocated either in turn to different disks depending on ... (????), or divided between active disks depending on (???).

There are many questions, but there is no normal description, this is strange, tk. this is a very necessary and useful program considering how fast memory is now and its average volume in computers and laptops.

Thanks for your post John and I know it was a few months back, just a simple question if I could?

Can the RAM Cache III package be enabled to speed up access to a specific folder?

IE WG's Worldofwarships is notoriously slow to load...

With thanks and regards from Australia,

Edit: No, it can not...

Level 7

RAM Cache III software downloard link