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Me and My G73JW the nightmare contiunes

Level 9
Hi everyone im new to this forum having found it whilst searching for help with my Laptop.
Up untill Febuary of 2012 i was the very happy owner of a G73JW laptop. I bought this machine in Canada where i was living with my girlfriend and we moved back to the UK at the start of the year. The laptop was great other then the track pad moving the mouse to any position on the screen other then the requested one. As i used a mouse most of the time it was never a real issue. Then all of a sudden during some gaming sessions with the Laptop connected up via HDMI it started to reboot itself randomly over and over again. As the bios had not been updated since purchase i thought i would give that a try and see if it cleared up any of the odd issues. I followed the instructions on the Asus website to the letter and completed the Bios update the machine said it would shut down to reboot and it never switched back on.. I work with computers for a living and have done 1000's of bios updates and never had anything like that happen before.
So i was now stuck with a bricked machine. (why on earth they never put a dual bios on a machine that costs the best part of £2000 i will never know.
I contacted Asus Uk and was amazed with the service. The machine was picked up by a courier and whisked away to be repaired. This is where the real nightmare begins. It is near on impossible to actually speak to a human being within Asus UK who can actually help. Over the next few weeks i recieved emails stating that they were waiting on parts. Then i would recieve another email stating the same thing a week or so later. This carried on for 1 and a half months. I was then informed that my machine would be swapped out as they still had no parts.
I thought that was a fair and reasonable thing to do as it was getting on to 6 and half weeks by the point.
I recieved an email from the UK Swaps department offering me a G74SX as a replacement for my G73.
I thought thats a pretty good offer. So using the name on the email and the telephone number provided i thought i would give them a call. When i did eventually get through i was informed that the person i wanted to talk to was based in Holland and that its not possible to talk to them. If thats the case why bother putting a contact telephone number on the email.
This started to become very frustrating i never imagined dealing with one of the biggest computer companies in the world would be such a nightmare. The Emails contiuned with specifications of replacements being sent. None of them matching the machine it was due to replace. What makes matters worse is that they dont even seem to know the spec that my machine was. MY G73 had a single USB3.0 port and i wanted a replacement that had this as the machine has no firewire port and use extensively for music production and transfering files over USB3.0 is a must for me. I didnt think it was too much to ask.
To then recieve an email back saying "according to my spec your machine never had a usb 3.0 port or did it?" How can they not know what the machine has. This was the point that i really started to get anoyed. I was then informed that they had nothing in stock and they would get new stock a week later. A week later i was informed again that they had no stock and that a buy back would be the only option. At this point i suggested they give me a new laptop due to the amount of time they have taken messing me around. I did state in my email that the offer for the laptop would have to enable me to go to my local store and pick up a like for like replacement. I recieved an email this morning saying they would not take that route and that they would give me the money in euros if i signed paper work for them. No actual offer. So before my head exploded i thought i would try the UK call centre once again. I maganged to get through to the same guy i spoke to previously who again explained that they cannot put me through anyone in secondline. I politely asked to speak with his manager (its not fair to shout at people who take crap all day long) Surprise surprise i was met with the "he is in a meeting. NO NO he really is in a meeting" The oldest fob off trick in the book. I have asked for a call back from a manager but i dont think i will get one. Im at a loss as what to do now. My Rma number doesnt even exist on their system anymore. It was only that i have a case file started ready to pass on to trading standards that i had the SN: ready. Ive dealt with all the major computer players in the UK before and never recieved such a long drawn out poor service before. Does anyone have any suggestions as to what i should do next. I know the offer they give will never been enough to get a like for like replacement and the chances of them actually ever getting parts to repair the machine before im too old to actually enjoy using it.
Thanks for any help in advance.

Level 10
Hi and Welcome to the ROG forum 🙂

It's very sad to read these horrible stories about poor service from Asus support. I would recommend you to pm Mason@Asus or MarshallR@Asus and ask them what to do.

They have helped out a lot of other notebook users who get's stuck with the Asus support and fixed up their issues.

I really hope that you get a replacement notebook for all the trouble you have to get through just because the support isn't helping you out at all.

Good luck!
Asus G73SW-91058V 3D
- Intel Centrino Ultimate-N 6300
- BIOS 205

Level 7
It's almost the same servicing whatever company you're calling. They pretty much all have contracts with call centers that are there just to answer the phone. Most of the time they're around to provide you a RMA number and instruction all written in a text file. They can't provide any technical informations concerning your product. Atleast Asus have the VIP email service. When you have a question you login and ask the question. If you have a bricked laptop and have to call, I guess this is where it hurts the most. To get proper informations about products you're buying it's almost all web based now. Call centers tend to suck. Just to state an example, even if I live in Canada and I have a cable tv problem my phone call is taken in Egypt. How weird is that ? lol
Did the ram tweak, and got downclocked

Level 10
Hmm.... here in Norway we can access the repair center on web to check how far they have come with the notebook.... not sure if you can do the same tho =/
Asus G73SW-91058V 3D
- Intel Centrino Ultimate-N 6300
- BIOS 205

Thanks for the help so far. Have sent a PM to Mason in the hope he can give me some advice on what to do.
Ive built hundreds of pc's using Asus stuff and never had to return a single part untill now.
The biggest test with any company is not when things work its when something doesn't.
Fingers crossed something happens. I will update the thread as the saga unfolds.
thanks again for the help


i recieved an email today from Holland stating they would offer a 100 percent buy back in euros for the machine.
As i live in the UK and we dont use euros i find it odd they are unable to make an offer in pounds and pence.
The rest of my previous email asking for the case to be passed on to a supervisor or manager has been totally ignored.
So i decided to try one last time to call the UK support team. After being on hold for what seemed like forever (lift music does get boring after a while) i was put through. As my Rma doesnt exist i had my SN: ready and reeled it off and was then meet with the brick wall of unhelpfullness that i have found in every avenue i have searched so far.
I asked for a manager and was told "we dont have managers" and that they are totally unable to help with the case as its now based in Holland and all i can do is send yet more emails. Why is it so hard to talk to a human being.? Its simple, emails can be ignored and left where as human beings cannot. IVe been in the computer industry for 15 years to varying degrees and never ever have i had such a bad service from any company. I cant knock the products as they are great but the backup service that supports them is woeful at best. Im really stuck as what to do now. A repaired laptop will more then likely break again and i will have to go through this whole nightmare again (that is if they can actually find a laptop to give me which so far they havent)
or a refund that leaves me unable to buy a replacement of the same spec that i had originally. My faith in Asus has dwindled despite a good relationship over many years.

Level 18
I think it is fair to say at this point that Asus if focused on this like a lazer.
We have seen great strides in assuring the right thing is done..

Be assured that what can be done - will be - in the end.
HQ has taken a very keen interest in these matters .. we have seen proof.

Relax .. Let 'them' do what they do ..
Then you can throw your Faith a Suprise Party .. Ill start blow'n up balloons .. now.
Best of Luck and Welcome to ROG.c.

btw - I advocate that those responsible for this non-sense be invited to join
the unemployed masses or encouraged to seek more suitable employ by
seeing how far into the middle of the street they can be booted.
I want the happily motivated that say ' I have the best job on the Planet.'
and Love every second as we do the equipment....Not, '..have to go to work...'
.. Be proud and ready to Sign ANY work you do .. or stay home .. c.

chrsplmr wrote:
I think it is fair to say at this point that Asus if [sic] focused on this like a lazer.

What are you basing this on?? Have you read through this guy's story? The whole point is that Asus is acting like they could not care does this translate to "focused like a laser?" :confused:

Level 18
Thank you for asking, brotherBrodyBoy. I would be more than happy to explain.

As of Late.
In following closely within the forum I have witnessed HQ's participation in admirely
handleing these specific issues immediatley (Chain's of Command can be a painfully
slow process for the injured.) upon their being brought to light.
Across the Globe, to all reaches of the World to be grandeous ..
which is equal to the feat.

We must keep in mind that even a 1% incident rate of All Asus Production
would be a staggering undertaking just in the 20,000,000 overall motherboard arena.
Any 'Guesstimate as to Laptop and specifically G numbers? One (ours) is harsh.

Contract Centers and Support Centers are getting careful scrutiny .. and the
Verdict will come down not soon enough. This to shall cease in the re-emerging
economy. All negative revenue streams must be eliminated to secure fiscal luqidity.
And shall be.
The equipment is second to none. Established. Improvements with each generation.
The Support Workmanship. UnExceptable. Established. Phone Support .. Lacking.
Taken swiftly on a case by case basis. (Nobody is Play'n 'them'.)
with that ..
and I must say .. even to MY amazement .. although time is lost .. those that
I am speaking of are with glee.
Some have been in frustrated conflict since November ..December.
I have yet to see Any unResolved .. (Please-Bring any the light.)

I can further point to direct evidence of this but I am sure Asus, In their
humble and wise way would prefer not.
((Not to invite FreeLunch'r's to attempt to dine.)) -->
<--[ I'd be happy to PM them to any that ask. From the Public Forum. ]

Therefore, I believe it is More than Fair ... Fair Enough ?

OP - & any unknowing- BrodyBoy is one of the top trusted and respected
Members here .. with countless hours of serious ROG.
He has detailed and chronicled every conceivable aspect
of the G from strengths to flaw and knows better than most,
each intricately. Plus More.
BrodyBoy has long joined the voices screaming
for Asus to bring the added disgrace of unacceptable
workmanship in Our name to a screeching halt. Long time.

If Asus has paid attention to 1/10 of what he alone has written
the G55 and G75 should blow us all away ........... truth.
Not to speak for him .. but always with him.

and OP .. Now that this has been brought into an even brighter light..
Relax .. watch ..(smiling to myself.) ... Zen happens.

( I can not answer as to your specific case OP as to its merit. What is right will be done. This, I do know.)

Too All:
Question. haaha -- If an 'End-User's' (us) issues are never brought to light because those
responsible are self-sheltering ... how can it be resolved?

Answer: ROGforum.

Here is an idea: If they sign their name we will know who to thank.
Who may be getting a raise and who Should be unemployed.

and .. hahhahahaa
Why does everyone always ask me ? "Did you read.... ?"
I answered it didn't I ? .... hahahha (respectfully joking)

Level 14
I'm only going to say this once, @chrsplmr - Stop doing those drugs!!
G74SX-A1 - stock hardware - BIOS 202 - 2nd Monitor VISIO VF551XVT