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MybadOmen's "Dimastech Bench Mod" (not yet named)

Level 7

Hiya Guys and Girls,

I am back again with yet another new build that i hope you all will enjoy as much as my Requiem ,Venom and Mass Effect 3 NZXT Switch 810 Builds.

Index Will be in the 2nd Post of this Log to make viewing the Log more enjoyable.

I have been doing allot of Case Mods lately,the ones you guys have seen and a few were for relatives so i really wanted to do something a little different. Also I am still not ready to release a Scratch build yet as i want that to be very special when i do.

I have been Totally Fascinated of a company in Italy (Being Italian Myself) named Dimastech. I have seen the guy with the username Dimas doing some insane things with subzero cooling and building some crazy high quality Machines first. After noticing that i seen he also owned a company and as i mentioned it was Dimastech . One look one his website and i was blown away ! I was just going to go out and buy one of their benches as they are very reasonably priced and Extremely High Quality.But i decided on something else. Since i was already doing Sponsored builds i thought this would be the perfect chance to show the world Dimastech Benches but in my own special way.

First off as i start all my Projects:

Here is the Victim !

(Rads in Photo are not included with Bench)

Now for The Sponsors that will be joining me on another exciting Build.

Lets all give these guys a Huge Round of applause for making this build possible.

More Sponsors may be joining also i hope.

Take Care and Keep Watching,


That's a nice looking bench. I'm sure Dima took care of it for you but any idea what shipping from Italy costs?
A bus station is where a bus stops. A train station is where a train stops. On my desk, I have a work station…

Update # 2

Ok i Guess there is some stuff i can start showing now as far as hardware and things like that.

So lets Get to it :

Here is the Motherboard i got for the build and you have no idea what i nightmare i went through with the first one. But its not something i want to talk about in this build log:

"Asus Rampage Extreme IV X79"

And the CPU is not what i originally purchased for this build . But damn nice either way:

"Intel Core i7-3930K Sandy Bridge-E 3.2GHz (3.8GHz Turbo) LGA 2011"

And of course there is the Ram. As always i went with Dominators as i have always had great luck with them and never a Ram issue ever :

"16 Gig's Corsair Quad Channel Dominator's 2133C9 1.5v"

And of course the Bench arrived Thanks to the Great people at Dimastech. (Will be much more on them later in the build log)

I find the stickers on this box extremely funny as i could probably run this bench over and not hurt it much . Yet it says Fragile. (Although it did come all the Way from Italy to the USA so i am very glad it came that way. Also shows the quality of Dimastech and how much they care for their Products and customers.

Ok that's it for This Update Now. Just wanted to show some of the Major hardware first. Then i will go over what each Sponsor sent in Updates and of course all the modding Photo's and Update's will be here. There will be allot of them so while i am waiting on certain parts might as well get these updates out there to you guys.

Tons More to come so keep watching, as we only just begun !

Take Care Guys


Update 3

A package arrives from EKWB and as always they have been backing me up on my Projects and im Honored and Proud to stand behind their name and Products.

Here is my EK stuff that i have at camp with me and as you can see i use only EK Cooling in my builds.

(Some bought and some Sponsored)

Here is the box that arrived for this Dimastech Build .Unfortunately its not the new CSQ design do to the build started before CSQ was ready but hopefully EK will still be with me for my next Mod which i have a feeling will be another NZXT. CSQ or not its still EK and i love both designs so lets see what they sent for this build.

A big brown Box all the way from Slovenia to the USA. What could it possibly be !

Wow this is where it all starts. Those shiny little boxes will soon be a killer water cooling system pushing 6 cores / 12Threads to 5ghz or more we hope.

And here it is all Spread out and I realized i forgot something which was more G1/4 Fitting extensions. I asked for another 20 and he sent 30 just in case. A+ Service.

At this point in time i have moved to Camp for 5 months where i live and also Mod here during that time.

And another Brown box From EK and once again all the way from Slovenia to New Hampshire USA this time.

And inside this one the rest of the stuff to complete the build that's needed from EK that is:

So what we have for EK parts for this build is:

1 EK HF Supreme CPU Block Nickel/Plexi
1 EK HF Supreme Bracket in Nickel (to swap out the original Black one)
x2 EK FC7970 Blocks Nickel/Plexi
x2 EK 7970 Ram plates in Black as that's the only color they made at the time
x2 EK D5 Pump tops
x2 EK XTX 360 Rads (These things are huge)
x2 EK-Multioption RES X2 - 250 Advanced Reservoirs
x2 EK X4 Dominator Ram Blocks Nickel/Plexi
1 EK-FB KIT RE4 Nickel/Plexi (Motherboard blocks for the RIVE)
1 EK Indigo extreme kit
roughly 50 fittings (Compression/45's,90's extensions)

If i left anything out i will edit the post later .

And here is some of the Hardware on as i tested the new motherboard right away when i got it. (All blocks are not on in the photo)

And here is where you can get your own EK products including their new improved CSQ Line !

Take Care and see you next update. As i mentioned earlier i will try to show all parts going into the build and then me using them. I figured this is the best way if your interested in building a Mod and curious how to do ,where to get parts,different methods of building etc.

Lets all give EKWB a huge thank you for supporting me on this project.

Keep watching as there will be plenty of Modding soon enough to watch.

Take Care


Level 7
Update 4 !

Fans & PSU that will be used in this Build .

"Thank you Lepa for supporting me and this Build!"

The plans i have for this build is to be Very Flashy Yet a Monster at the same time.

There are 2 Types of Fans going to be used. 1 Type will be for the Bling Factor and the other will be for the for the grunt power needed to push through my Rads.

Here are the first Fans the 8 LEPA Choppers 120mm for the Bling and they will also be cooling of course also:

Here are the second Fans i will be using and they are 6 of the LEPA 70D Fans.

And now for the PSU going in the Dimastech build and let me tell you LEPA out done themselves with this one. There is enough Power here to run 2 complete Gaming Rigs!

The being Said let me Introduce you to the LEPA 1600 watt Continuous or 1700 watt Peak LEPA G1600 Power Supply. This thing is no joke an absolute Monster and also is Fully Modular.

Here is the actual PSU which you will see more of as i work on it and install it.

Thank You LEPA again for your support and great or rather incredible Products.

For those that might be interested in getting their own LEPA products or learning more about them,
They can be found here:

Sorry no Building Photo's yet Guys but as i said earlier in the log i will show the parts and then move onto to building with them.Trying to keep the log organized and easier for you guys to read.

Hope you like whats happening so far and please keep watching.

Your Friend


Level 7

Hiya Guys ,

Today i decided to make a big day and expose the plans for the Dimastech Build. So i Hope you guys enjoy it !

I was trying to decide for a while one what to do with a Dimastech bench that hasn't been done yet and that i personally like and am hoping you guys enjoy also.
As i said before this build will be super flashy with different colors and flashing lights ,Light shows etc. The reason for this is the build is going to be a Jukebox.
Or really i should say my idea of a Jukebox with allot of power under the hood. As usual the build will be a difficult one but should come out amazing if it looks anything like
what i see in my head.

That being said i want to make it VERY clear this Photo is only the Base design of the case and nothing more. Tons of the design is missing.This is the starting point that i will build off.

The build will be boxed in also and there will be tons of Polished Aluminum or Chrome on the outside also. Plus the front will have doors that open and close to work on the build or swap out motherboards etc. Tons of stuff still not determined until i get the acrylic you see and reservoirs in place as the Motherboard may be standing Vertical also in this build.

Also another thing that's very important the name of the build. It says Dimas Box right now on the sketch but that's not set in stone yet as you can see the build log still has no name.
Would really love yours guys Opinion on a name for this build seeing its a monster build , its Dimastech and its a Jukebox sorta concept. So please shoot me some names now that you see the rough sketch of the build:

Even the reservoirs for this build are being Custom Made at a whopping 2 foot 1 inch long each ! The plan is also to have a cover for the reservoirs thats follows the arch up and around to the other res like a real jukebox would look.

Well Here is the Very Base only of the build. Even Colors are not definite at this moment in time.

I would now like to Introduce you to my Latest Mod and say thank you for your Support guys:

And the Hardware so far. Have the Second GPU but its not mounted at the moment as it is not working properly. (2 x 7970's)

Thanks for Watching guys and keep watching as this photo shows nothing to what i have in store for this build !


Level 10
Looks like a mailbox ! 😛

Level 7

Ok i have been doing a little work on the hardware part of the build but still cant do much until Acrylic arrives as the base of the build is the Acrylic .

Thank being said i pulled out the Motherboard for the Project which is the Asus Rampage Extreme IV X79 and the 3930K CPU i will also be running in this build.

The hardware has already been tested just to make sure i wasn't going to get any surprises after it was to late to return to where i bought them from. (I highly recommend this to anyone doing a build like this or any build for that matter).

First off here is the Motherboard with the CPU sitting in it :

Next was to get a CPU Water block and that was an EK HF Supreme Sponsored by EK as is all the EK stuff you see in this build. But i didnt like this Black bracket so i also ordered one in Nickel to match the rest of the fittings and blocks.

The Black Bracket that had to Go!

And a couple Photos of the CPU block after the new Nickel bracket has been installed. (If thinking of changing this bracket ,realize that the block does have to come apart and the o-ring will need to be cleaned and re installed so its not a simple task to change it.)

Ok so the CPU block was all set and CPU was Mounted and of course i have photos ove everything but the Thermal paste instillation . I use all Methods but for this mount i went with the X pattern.

Also i added the nice new Set of Dominator Ram Blocks from EK for my 16 gig of 2133 Quad Channel C9 Ram and Installed them on the board for testing that the hardware did work.

Photo's of the EK Ram blocks and CPU block mounted: (Starting to look pretty nice now)

Next here at the 2 Sapphire (Reference) HD7970's that will be pushing the graphics in the Dimastech build. Both Fitted with EK Nickel Plexi Blocks.These will also be tested at the same time.

And everything sitting in the old "Venom" case as it was basically all still together and easy to get testing the hardware right away.

Allot of glare from this photo so best i could do.

Ok now the hardware has been tested its time to tear it all apart again and get 2 more blocks on that Rampage Extreme IV and thats the matching Nickel Plex EK Mosfet and Chipset blocks. But that will be the next Update.

Thank You EKWB & Primochill for making this Update Possible !

Keep watching tons to come and im sure this is gonna be a good one !


Level 7
Update 7 !

This Update i will be adding the Mosfet and Chipset Blocks from EK to the motherboard. I wanted it to be kinda a tutorial but it was late at night and photos came out terrible so i will do the best i can with what i have:

Again like i would like to Thank EKWB for Sponsoring me on my builds.

First off this is where we left off after testing the board and pushed it to 5Ghz on all 12 Threads so pretty sure the hardware is in great shape. (Actually ran the setup for roughly 1 weak)

Here is the Stock Mosfet Block we will be swapping to the EK-FB RE4 Mosfet Nickel Plexi water block.:

And here is the stock chipset cooler that will also be replaced with the same EK kit.

And here are the 2 absolutely beautiful water blocks from the EK-FB RE4 KIT.

I will be using MX4 Thermal Paste as that's what i have on hand right now.

Most important to me to have on hand before starting are my Worry Dolls! So with them in hand we can get started ...LOL.

Ok lets get started First off remove all the screws holding the blocks on the Motherboard. Its best to follow the manual just to be sure with hardware of this Value!

Next you want to gently pull the old block assembly from the board not forgetting to unplug the chip-set fan first though . Sometimes these blocks can be a little tough to get off from the stock thermal Pads and compounds but this one came off pretty easy.

And the naked board . (Sexy ) lol

K first we will start with cleaning the Mosfets ,new blocks and the old thermal paste from the chipset. There are different things you can use to clean i have seen everything from goo be gone to Alcohol to special cleaners made just for the task. Today i will just use Alcohol and cotton swabs and pads. (Sorry i didn't take Photos of the cleaning but its pretty common sense. You clean the spots the old blocks came off 🙂

But here are the Pads i used and the Cotton swab we all know of.

After cleaning the Mosfets real good i and others recommend a tiny bit of Thermal paste just to hold the Thermal pads which you will see in a minute in place. Again MX4 was used here and it should look like this. (Barely any at all on each)

Here are those thermal pads i was talking about. It comes as 1 Pad and is used only on the Mosfet Block. First thing you want to do is cut it evenly in half. There is a backing on the both sides so DO NOT forget to remove this or it will make quite the mess and could seriously damage your board!

Now just nice and neatly cover the Mosfets. It should look something like this when you are done:

Horrible Picture but next apply thermal paste to your freshly cleaned Chipset:

Next part its important to read the manual that Came with your EK kit because some revisions may require to use different screws as EK is always changing and Improving their products!

So at this point its best to get all your hardware setup and handy as you are going to have to hold the block in place and turn the motherboard to get the screws in. This is why we put the tiny drops of thermal paste on the chipsets ,so the Thermal pads stay in palace during this step! A friend nearby would be very handy for this part but i was not that lucky as everyone was sleeping.

Hardware Ready to go!

Next set the Chipset Block in Place trying to line it up perfect the first shot with the screw holes to avoid making a mess of the fresh thermal paste you just applied.

Carefully hold the board on its side and apply the screws. (I found the Motherboard Box foam helped for this part to avoid hurting the board)

Now we are going to repeat the same steps for the Mosfet block besides 1 difference. On the back of the Mosfet block we will be replacing the stock back plate that came with the original Mosfet block. So apply the screws while on its side just like with the chipset and it should look like a motherboard complete with EK Liquid Cooled Mosfet and Chipset!

Next you can add your other blocks if you chose to go that route,depending on ram etc. Which in my case i will be adding Ram blocks and Gpu blocks

Hope i did an alright job on this Mosfet and Chipset water block instillation. Like i said i did my best with what i had for Photos. I had over 160 Photos .Lol these are the best i could get from them.

Also for those of you looking to get yourself some nice Water blocks or other high Quality water cooling parts here is the company i swear by and use on all my builds for blocks and Fittings.

Thanks For watching guys and as usual for all your support you have given me through many builds so far.I will try and make you all proud again with this build. Lol once the Raw materials get here so i can go crazy on it.

Take Care


Level 7
Nice sponsors & exciting build, you got there:cool:! Keep up the good work, keeping an eye on this one!:D