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ASUS ROG 7970 Matrix platinum SOS !

Level 7
Hi there i just bought this card and im allready having big issues with this one. The game that i have most problems with atm is battlefield 3 to even describe the problem ill put a link here and u will see the problem

Im getting massive black artifacts over my screen, second problem is that i got awful gameplay experience becous of choppy performance even the bf3 fps counter shows avarage about 75 and minimum about 60.

When i shot in BF3 the screen gets choppy instead of having a fast refresh to the point when i stop shooting it kind of chopps back u can tell it quite well by looking at the screen.

And it seems to not render some of the gun fire infront of the barell when this happens.

My maximum gpu temp during heavy battle wher about 65-76c but i dont see this as the main issue.

And i have updated all the drivers i can possible update, amd catalyst 12.11 and yes i did a uninstall on the previous version and used driver sweeper to make sure. So any help would be greatfull, btw im running GPUtweak at stock speeds nothing changed. Before this i had a Asus radeon 6970 i didnt have these problems neither with choppiness or artifacts i really dont want any other GPU but what can i do ..... Oh one last thing i see a random artifact outside 3d games, as im surfing or reading on my screen i see this really fast line/wire from right corner to the left one wtf.


CPU: i7 2600k (4.5ghz) OC
Mobo: Asus p67 Delux (bios 3602) up to date
GPU:Asus rog 7970 matrix-p
SSD:Intel 510 OS Windows 7 pro 64bit / Vertex 3 (games)
Soundcard: soundblaster x-fi titanium HD
Monitor: Samsung SA27950D 120HZ

Level 7
Hey there, I have the same card incoming so I don't have it yet but try a couple of things.

First go back to 12.4, 12.7, or 12.8 drivers, try those and see if they help with artifacts and instability.

If that doesn't work try underclocking the card to like 950 and see if that alleviates the issues.

Lastly lower any and all OC and go back to stock on your rig. So your 2600k bring it back to stock and do the same with ram timings ect.

If the first thing helps that means bad compatibility with our rig and the newest drivers.

if the second or nothing works just RMA the card and either try your luck with another Matrix P or another brand's 7970.

If the last thing worked maybe something else is causing your issue like an accidentally OC'd blck instead of multi. I had an issue where my old z68 mobo instead on block staying @ 200 it would be 204 if manual OC was on and that caused issues with ram and gpu's.

Good luck, I hope any of that helps.

Level 40
Could you tell me how full your SSD is please?

And I assume that your BF3 is fully patched and current.
To help us help you - please provide as much information about your system and the problem as possible.

my SSD has 50% space left of 120gb, and yes its updated and everything. if i cant fix this i just have to RMA the card and sadly even change to nvidia wich i really didnt want to but 😕

Level 40
I am running HD 7970 cards in my daily gaming rig and not having any issues like yours mate. So need need to go to the green team just yet 😄 😄

Could you run GPUz and enable monitor logging. Play your games of choice and lets see what goes on in game.

Things to look at are fan speeds and temps during game.
To help us help you - please provide as much information about your system and the problem as possible.

HiVizMan wrote:
I am running HD 7970 cards in my daily gaming rig and not having any issues like yours mate. So need need to go to the green team just yet 😄 😄

Could you run GPUz and enable monitor logging. Play your games of choice and lets see what goes on in game.

Things to look at are fan speeds and temps during game.

When i play in stock i really dont get over 70 or GPuTweak is fooling me by numbers. But whats important to know is that some of the artifacts in game have been showing in windows also outside 3D. The other day i played lol same thing there

Level 7
My Matrix get similar artifacts even with minor overclock if GPU temperature reaches 70c. You could try set up more aggressive fan profile. Also lowering ram to 6400Mhz could help.

Warocia wrote:
My Matrix get similar artifacts even with minor overclock if GPU temperature reaches 70c. You could try set up more aggressive fan profile. Also lowering ram to 6400Mhz could help.

This could be it but whats the point for me to keep this card then ? if i cant play out of the box speeds then i really dont understand why i gave the extra money for the "xtra good cooler and power"

Warocia wrote:
My Matrix get similar artifacts even with minor overclock if GPU temperature reaches 70c. You could try set up more aggressive fan profile. Also lowering ram to 6400Mhz could help.

Hmm could be it but why would i clock down when i payed for premium cooler and power and not beeing able to utilize it ? it doesnt make sence from a consumers point of view. I have allways had good thoughts about RoG components but this is just not ok.

Anima wrote:
Hmm could be it but why would i clock down when i payed for premium cooler and power and not beeing able to utilize it ? it doesnt make sence from a consumers point of view. I have allways had good thoughts about RoG components but this is just not ok.

I feel bad for you but like I said the issue is with the card and I don't any amount of trouble shooting will help with that. Just return it if you still can and get another vendors card or go with Green, a nice DC2 670/680 will serve you well. If not just rma the card directly to ASUS and hope for the best. Good luck!