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Intel 520-series SSD, little differences, big deal?

Level 11
Looking at Intel 120 GB SSD from the 520-series for my OS.

SSDSC2BW120A301 and SSDSC2CW120A3K5

The latter is a tad cheaper, about 25 $ / 16£

If I read the serial numbers correctly, the 2CW would to me suggest the unit coming after 2BW, hence a more recent edition. The smaller price tag would however suggest there is a more recent edtion, with a higher price tag, in this case being the 2BW tagged unit.

Now, e-shops around these parts usually don´t lower prices of even severely outdated hardware, so I can´t trust the more expensive SSD to be the latest deal.

So, what do you think, guys?! Can anyone decode the SN? Which is the newest edition? And does it matter at all?

Both are listed here, some difference in mm´s, is that all?

Level 7
a) SSDSC2CW120A3K5 - 9.5mm Reseller packaging

b) SSDSC2BW120A301 - 7mm OEM packaging

Looks like the same drive, other than the physical thickness ...
... the 7mm fits in the new slim type laptops / netbooks / ect... ...

... both size drives; 9.5mm & 7mm; will work in a desktop rig ...

The $10 diff in Intel retail price is in the packaging - Reseller vs. OEM ...

Save the $25, & get the 9.5mm/retail box ... :cool:
---> unless you plan to get a slim laptop, that you might want to move it to ... :confused:
- M4EZ - 1: 3510 - 2: 1004 / i7-2600K / Redline 2133 16GB / Win7 Pro x64
- v.3510 / - v. / - v.
- RevoDrive3x2 240GB - OS / Vector 256GB x2 RAID0 - OS / Vertex3 MI 120GB - OS / P'9230 3.0 2TB - B/U
- 9260-8i BBU - CacheCade Pro Vertex3 120GBx2 RAID0 SSD Caching - Const ES SAS RAID10 GHS - Data
- GTX580 3GB HC2 / Xonar Essence STX / ST1200G / TJ10B-W / ZR30w / SP 2500 2.1
- Water: Swiftech/Koolance/Tygon/EVGA/MIPS - Wind: SST/Noctua/Cougar

Level 14
and no they do not set the firmware on the list you posted, that you have to go to intel's page it self to download and upgrade.
look down on this page and you see what i mean sorta:
thats the software updater for the intel's ssd's and latest firmware on the difrent ssd types they have.

Level 11
Cool, thx guys. No laptop for me! I would however concider the slim type, I think I´ll hide the SSD´s along with the wires in the narrow backroom of the case. Or maybe there will be enough space for the 9,5 mm...I´m ordering the Storm Stryker soon, and I´ll have a look see.
And thanks for the link, kkn!