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Good games with g75?

Level 7
I want to play some new games , i already have crysis 3 but i got bored of it in single/multiplayer. Can someone recommend some good games to play. How do i also check my laptops performance?

Level 7
try bf3
i run +60 fps on low

Level 7
MSI Afterburner is great for overclocking your GPU and keep track of temperatures and performance increase or drop.
You should have no problem doing a small OC and gain some extra from the card.
The King of the north!

What types of game do you? Farcry 3 was a fun game. I love Mass Effect try it if you like action RPGs

Level 10
Tombraider is verry good stroy and grapichs.

Far Cry 3
Battlefield 3
Sleeping dogs
Dead Space 3 (horror game)
Dead Island (horror game)
assians creed III
ACER PREDATOR G9-791 |Intel Core i7-6700HQ |16 GB RAM |GTX970M 3GB |FULL HD | 750GB SSD | Samsung 850 PRO & 2X M.2 SSD RAID 0
G75VW |Intel Core I7-3610QM |24GB RAM |GTX670M 3 GB |FULL HD | 526GB SSD | Samsung 840 EVO & 850 PRO
GL552VW |Intel Core i7-6700HQ |12 GB RAM |GTX960M 3GB |FULL HD | 256GB SSD | Samsung

Level 10
You should definatly try planetside 2. Its free to play, has AAA graphics + particle PhysX, supports up to 2000 players on each continent and best of all runs well on the G75 with Ultra settings :cool:

You can download for free from steam or get the PS2 Client on its own -

To get it running smooth at ultra settings on a G75 use this guide -

Level 9
Skyrim, Oblivion, or Morrowind (Morrowind is pretty old but still crazy fun) all have great stories and will keep you busy for hours.

The fallout series is also fun.

The S.T.A.L.K.E.R series is great.

Battlefield 3 like was suggested.

Dark Souls.

Just to name a few. All have been some of my favorites.

Level 7
command & conquer generals always fun to play

Level 9
I have the following on my G75
Far Cry 3
Sleeping Dogs
Guild Wars 2(MMO)
SimCity 5
deus ex - human revolution
Hitman: Absolution
Assassins Creed III
Fallout NV
Fallout 3
Borderlands 2
Mass Effect 3
Sins of A Solar Empire ( all 3 games)
Arma 2

Just to name a few that I have installed and they all run at 60FPS.

Bundy_Drop_Bear wrote:
I have the following on my G75
Far Cry 3
Sleeping Dogs
Guild Wars 2(MMO)
SimCity 5
deus ex - human revolution
Hitman: Absolution
Assassins Creed III
Fallout NV
Fallout 3
Borderlands 2
Mass Effect 3
Sins of A Solar Empire ( all 3 games)
Arma 2

Just to name a few that I have installed and they all run at 60FPS.

Did you do any OC ? 🙂 If so, what numbers did you get out of it?
The King of the north!