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Bad displays, horizontal lines issue

Level 7
I bought a G750J last night, went through the motions of setting up and doing all the installs. And when all was done, on all black, grey, and all the shades in between and even some of the darker colors, There are very noticeable horizontal lines. I took it back this morning exchanged it out for another one, and it has the same issue. Very noticeable horizontal lines, I am about to go back again and do another exchange, so I will be on number 3 in less than 24 hours of purchase. Not a good sign, makes me wonder if they all are like this. Even with the nvidia drivers updated, it is still there even more noticeable actually. So, lets see what this next exchange will bring, I wager it will have the same problem.
181 REPLIES 181

Level 7
I just hope I do not end up going through their entire stock of these things today. Luckily they are only about 5 minutes away from me (BestBuy).

C.Geigner wrote:
I just hope I do not end up going through their entire stock of these things today. Luckily they are only about 5 minutes away from me (BestBuy).

Did you get the 750JW BBI7N05 version?(The one that only BestBuy sells)
Cause I have created another thread few days ago questioning why was BestBuy version so much cheaper than the versions other retailers had(which is usually around U$1400).
Maybe that's why it's cheaper, it has 4GB RAM less and also a cheaper display.

Level 7
I see this, too. I'm not sure if I'd call it "very noticable" - I had a similar effect on my G74 in the past. It is very annoying when I look at it closely but from a normal viewing distance I can't see it that much. (I do wear eyeglasses which I don't use for the computer so it's possible that the resolution of my eyes hides this for me.)

I think someone wrote an entry somewhere (maybe this forum) that the green pixels in the LCD are lit at low intensity even when the color is supposed to be black.

Level 7
I have the G750JW-DB71 model and I have the horizontal lines.

Xbcxbc wrote:
I have the G750JW-DB71 model and I have the horizontal lines.

I would suggest that you go get the latest and greatest drivers from nVidia. Get the nVidia 665m video drivers. It just may fix your problem if you have not done that already. Just a suggestion.

Level 7
Then I guess they are using the same panel as they were on the g75vx's and vw's that some people complained about :S.
Still very much intrigued why is BestBuy version U$150 cheaper though.

Level 7
Well, number 3 ended up doing the same thing. It was even picked up from a different bestbuy in town here. I ended up taking it back to the original store of purchase. And while there we were able to do some serious working around and found out it is an issue of refresh rate and the video drivers. It took a long time and digging around, this thing is sort of finicky. The associate was very good and together (mostly him) we were able to make deductions and figure it out. We had to do a custom refresh of 64, and roll back the drivers for the video card to an earlier date, predating the ones out of the box, so far so good. And now they know how to fix this issue with that work around till there are improved drivers released. So it turns out not to be hardware related but driver and refreshrate, which is not a really big deal, it will eventually get ironed out.

Level 7
Another update, asus splendid utility seems to cause some of the lines, with it disabled, I no longer have this issue which is strange but I am fine with that, splendid utility is not needed anyhow.

C.Geigner wrote:
Another update, asus splendid utility seems to cause some of the lines, with it disabled, I no longer have this issue which is strange but I am fine with that, splendid utility is not needed anyhow.

You are right about the " asus splendid utility".
I would advise on uninstalling it, I did on my G75, and now I have a much better quality picture!
But I never had that problem with the lines.
G750JZ-DS71 Windows 10 Pro (x64)
Intel® Core™ i7 4700HQ (2.40GHz)
24GB Memory DDR3 1600 MHz SDRAM
M.2 SSD 2x128GB in Raid 0 / WD-HGST-1TB HDD 7500-RPM
Second Monitor: Shar
p Aquos 32"